Plot: Remember Lucky? The annoying bratty pony with no mother? The one the Pony Pals finally got rid of? Well, he's back, and more spoiled than ever. Aaargh. Eve Greeley, his owner, is putting up with some pretty dangerous behaviors. Her parents want to get rid of him, so the Pony Pals decide to help Eve train Lucky.
Surprise! Lucky is a brat! He even tramples through someone's corn field!
Eve is pretty sad, but is surprisingly mature about the whole thing, and decides to give Lucky to the Pony Pals rather than see him shipped to a new owner. :*(
Yay! The Pony Pals think up a new plan! Lucky can live at the Crandal's for the time being! Lightning will show him who's boss! And Eve can ride Daisy! Yay!
What promised to be a realistic picture of life with ponies is once again disappointing. But hey, what did you expect from Jeanne Betancourt?
More notes:
Nice, Jeanne. Copy the intro of #3.
Pam insinuates that Eve is retarded because she has crappy handwriting.
Surprise! A new illustrator!! Anna looks normal, but Pam looks at least 60 and Lulu looks like a super model. I wonder who the illustrator's favorite character is.
Another example of Pony Pal hypocrisy: Anna and Lulu gallop up to Pam. I thought that was "dangerous".
AAAAAAAAAAGH! This is the worst letter ever. How old is this girl?:
Dear Pony Pals,
It's me. Eve Greeley. [great way to not use a comma or colon] I adopted the baby pony from you. I named him Lucky. You said that was okay. [GET TO THE POINT!]
Lucky is so cute. He is full of energy. All he wants to do is play and kick and run around. He loves treats.
Do you remember Freckles? [Yes, I could never forget that name.] She doesn't want to play with Lucky anymore. [HA!] But Lucky plays with me.
My dad and mom say Lucky is too hard to handle. But I love him. [AAAAAAAGH!] I want to train him, then I can ride him some day. [What? There should definitely be a so in there.]
Can you help me train Lucky? Please? My dad says it is okay. Our telephone number is 354-90000. [That telephone number does not exist. There should only be 3 zeroes. Get your facts straight, Jeanne.] Please help Lucky and me. [LUCKY AND I! LUCKY AND I!]
Your friend,
P.S. Lucky will be one year old next week.
Way to repeat yourself.
WHY ARE THEY SUDDENLY ON VACATION!!?? Wait a minute! It's been a year since they took care of Lucky. ALL OF THEM ARE STILL TEN YEARS OLD!!! How many summers have passed since then?? THEY'RE FROZEN IN TIME!
Heh. I remember the first time the ponies met Lucky. Acorn and Lightning tried to kill him.
Omg, Jeanne totally worships Lulu in this one. She's all talking about Lulu is soooo saaaaad not to have a mother, so that makes her love baby animals with no mothers. *sob sob sob* Not. :P
I'm really trying to figure out how Snow White could've gotten trapped in that barbed wire.
Continuity error. Anna got Acorn when she was 9, not 10.
Pam spells "cozy" wrong, and Anna puts too much food in Lucky's feed bin. Didn't she freak out when a 6 year old overfed Acorn?
But no one is seriously hurt. Lucky has a cut on his leg.
Whatever. This illustrator can't draw black people. Pam looks like a boy with a huge mouth.
Yeah, let the Pony Pals go find Lucky. Smart.
They care more about the station wagon than they do the Greeleys.
LOL, the Pony Pals are friends with a police officer. They haven't been doing time, have they?
Okay, I thought Lucky wasn't badly hurt, but they find enough blood on the ground to fill a horror movie.
OMG, Pam is such a pessimist!! She keeps thinking Lucky will bleed to death!
Bla bla bla, another examples of how ponies are AAAALWAYS right.
Aaagh. The guy's mad because the pony's trampling his corn. Give him a break.
"'I'll give you five minutes,' the man said. The corners of his mouth turned up in an evil grin. 'And since it's your pony, you're responsible for the damage to my corn crop.'" OMG THAT'S SO CONNIVING AND HILARIOUS! The Pony Pals never have to pay, tho. :P
Pam starts singing "All the Pretty Horses" to lure Lucky towards her. Wth? Is she trying to seduce him?
Yeah, that's right. It's not just a shallow cut on the leg, Dr. Crandal.
The farmer calls her an idiot and questions her methods. LOL it's cracking me up.
Ooookay, this is so not how I pictured Mr. Farmer. He looks like one of the people that heads the Star Wars conventions.
He's right, you know. Isn't this rescue mission making Lucky more spoiled?
Okay, I REALLY hate how the Pony Pals are all calling Lucky spoiled and badly behaved, but Acorn does a lot of these things and it's "cute". Lightning bites people, and she's "sick". Snow White gets sick all the time. Whatever. That's so a cry for attention. I just wish their ponies threw the occasional shoe or seemed at least a little normal.
Eve looks like a Cabbage Patch doll.
IT'S NOT A DEEP CUT???? Then where did all that blood come from????
"That pony should have been named Trouble instead of Lucky." Right. Ha ha. Rolling around on the floor here.
Go Freckles. Knock some sense into that boy.
EWWWW, how creepy does this sound??
"But even if I had time, I'm not that interested in ponies. I prefer little girls. And cats. I like cats."
OMG!!!!! Lock all your doors and windows, children. DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!
Eve totally makes it sound like she's in an abusive relationship rather than having pony trouble.
Lame. They won't let Eve in their club. Wasn't she like 9 in SS1? That's not that much younger. And yet they group her with Mimi and Rosalie. :P
SERIOUSLY, read this. If you didn't know it was about a pony, you would think this was off of Dr. Phil or something.
Anna: What else does he do that he shouldn't?
Eve: He pushes me. Once he stepped on my foot. It hurt.
Anna: If he pushes you, Eve, elbow him. You have to be firm with him.
Lulu: What else does he do that you don't like?
Eve: Sometimes he scares me. I think he's going to kick me. I'm even afraid to brush him.
Lucky's being spoiled isn't all your fault, Eve. It's actually the PONY PALS fault. I love how their not taking responsibility at all.
LAME, Lulu looks like a supermodel in every picture.
Weren't Jack and Jill 6 a while back? Did they go back in time?
Lame. They watch "Black Beauty" and Eve cries. Way to go.
Eve cries herself to sleep.
Just because Eve loves Lucky doesn't mean she should get to keep him. I loved Howard (the only other dog I've ever had, and I had him for a grand total of three days), but he bit Nathan's face off. Man up, Eve.
Since when is Lightning Supermom? Didn't she attack Lucky the first time she met him? And wasn't Snow White the one who was all matronly? What's with the Lightning/Lucky BFF thing going on?
Susan Royer Rigby (new illustrator) can draw horses and ponies pretty well...but I miss Vivien Kubbos. She was da bomb, even if she did mix up Lulu and Anna.
Wait, Lucky is a year old? The pictures make him look like a newborn.
LOL, they decide to let Lightning teach Lucky to behave. It totally reminded me of the song "Smack" by Ugly Duckling. SMACK! You needed that, I'LL TEACH YOU HOW TO ACT. LOL cracks me up.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH the worst Anna drawing yet!!! The people in it look like SMURFS!!
Wouldn't throwing a birthday party for Lucky make him MORE spoiled?
WHAT? Pam says Eve won't be able to ride Lucky for years. Um, don't people start riding their horses at age 2?
Lucky attacks Lightning. He's so brave.
Aaargh. Eve is a great rider. I want someone to ride badly and see what happens. Wait. Rema was a bad rider and a snob. I guess the moral of this story is if you can't ride, you're an awful person. I guess this means I would not fit in in Wiggins.
Pam is the biggest pessimist EVER.
If the horse is biting and kicking your mother, HE IS NOT MAKING PROGRESS!!
Ew, an awful drawing of Pam with a really huge face.
Retarded. Lulu is being all sneaky about a present. We never actually find out what it is.
This part is so sad! I felt for Eve. Me and feel probably don't go in the same sentence, but for realz...
Dear Pony Pals,
I have a present for you. It is Lucky. [Okay, this might be sad, but COLONS!!!] I can't take care of him. You will love him and train him. He'll play with your ponies. Please let Lucky be a Pony Pal. [Since you won't let Eve be one. :P]
Your friend,
Awwwww. This is the first time in Pony Pals history that any character has shown even an ounce of maturity!
And then we see Eve's pitiful drawings of ponies. They're pretty bad and they ruin the mood.
Aaargh. They decide to board Lucky for free. WHAT'S WITH ALL THIS "FOR FREE" STUFF?
They say "yummy".
I've never seen silver sprinkles.
Lol. They make "Lucky's #1!" jokes.
Retarded. Mr. and Mrs. Greeley go for it.
Aaargh. I just wanted the parents to get rid of Lucky and have the characters actually GROW for a change. But no. No no no no.
OMG!!! I found my ancient (like, 6th grade) end to the Pony Pals. It was written like 10 years after the whole series. Lulu marries Mark, Pam marries some dude, Anna marries Charlie, and Tommy and Mike get trampled in a Winnie the Pooh parade. That was the only part I liked. It was pretty badly written. Anna was all abusive, Pam was in love with herself, and Lulu kept saying, "Omigosh! Acorn! Omigosh!" Aaagh. I love the part about the parade, though. Made my day.
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