Yeah. I think I like Anna best now. She is making the most sense and seems semi-believable. But this one wasn't so exciting. Even for a circus.

Plot: The circus has come to Wiggins! Yay! Yay! The Pony Pals get passes to explore the grounds two days before the circus starts. Anna meets a girl named Crystal, who rides elephants. Crystal really likes Acorn and suggests he takes the place of Jumper, the regular circus pony, until he recovers. Anna is so excited and agrees to it.
Yay Acorn is fabulous. Everyone likes Acorn. Crystal suggests that Anna stay with circus...permanently. But the Pony Pals don't want Anna to leave and try to guilt her into staying. They also call her selfish. But Anna manages to convince her parents (that's what's implied, but I don't believe it), and the Pony Pals "help her out".
But on the last day the circus performs, Acorn runs away! Anna tries to find him. Turns out he ran away to be with Snow White! Oh no! Acorn would miss Snow White if he moved away! Yay. Anna decides to stay. :P
More notes:
"Acorn, do you love me?" I was totally waiting for him to say no.
Aaaah, Paul Bachem. He's still illustrating in this book.
I love circuses. Ballin. Ugh, I remember that one I went to that had NO ANIMALS. It sucked.
Jumping on a trampoline is not talent.
Lulu, always rationalizing for breaking the law.
I think Jeanne Betancourt just used an exclamation point.
Ew, since when is grass sweet?
What kind of name is "The Yellow Tent Circus"?
The liberty horses have weird bangs.
Ugh, Elly is a lame name for an elephant.
The Pony Pals need to start paying for their own food. Crystal gets them stuff for free. :P
Aaaagh, she tries to imitate a non-English speaker. "I learn some English."
Isn't Ida a boy's name?
WHY WOULD YOU SAY BLONDE-HAIRED??? If you said blonde, it would still make sense.
Waaaaaait. Isn't Jumper the name of Acorn's dad??? I THINK IT IS!! That's kind of freaky.
Elly isn't that much bigger than Acorn? What?
Doesn't Anna always wake up early and beat Lulu?
Yeah, I'm with Anna. I'd rather be at the circus than shop for school supplies.
It's like everyone's from England.
Ha. Acorn is scared of clowns.
Anna looks better as a clown than she does any other time. Wow.
Lulu and Pam are all psyched about some nifty notebooks with a pocket section!!! Nerds.
They almost start a debate about how celebrities wish they could be normal and normal people want to be famous.... :P
Ew, they start joking about Fat Cat the Flying Circus Cat. ???
Anna's mom makes her special clown pancakes with a fruit smiley face. Psh. Forget fruit. Bring on the ice cream and chocolate chips.
Omg, Anna ditches the Pony Pals!!! :O She's actually becoming independent it seems.
Acorn is way too huge to be a Shetland.
I want to ride an elephant really bad.
Don't circuses have programs? Why do they have to announce Anna and Acorn? It would be in the program, wouldn't it. Also, their intro sounds way choppy:
"The Yellow Tent Circus proudly presents its clowns. They are joined tonight by a Wiggins resident, Anna Harley. She's here with her pony Acorn." Those last two sentences could've been combined.
How does one become a professional clown, Pam? I mean, all there is to do is act like an idiot and have bad makeup.
THAT SO REMINDS ME OF "SHE'S ALL THAT"!! Lol, bathroom scene.
Since when does Anna have a brother???? This is like the first time he's mentioned EVER. Oh wait, never mind, he was mentioned once before in #2, but COME ON. He says, "Not bad," and then he's never heard from again. I think he and Melissa/Tawny/whatever her name was died in a random shooting event.
This is the 3rd chapter to have ended with the word "circus" and an exclamation point.
I really doubt that Anna's parents will let her be in the circus. Just saying.
Rosalie lives by Acorn? Doesn't she live in an apartment on the other side of town? WHY DO THEY KEEP SWITCHING THINGS AROUND??? CONTINUITY! CONTINUITY!
Dang, this is like when I tell people I'm leaving Washington. Pam is all, "WTH???" and Lulu pouts.
The Amazing Flying Frenzies sounds a lot like Family Force 5. Can't kick the habit, I've got to have it, I'm what they call a LOVE addict, LOVE addict.
Anna totally quotes "Dragon Tales". I wish with all my heart that my parents will let me join the circus.
Stupid Snow White again. I hate her so much. Get her a new stablemate.
Snow White ran away because she missed Acorn. They need to get a better fence.
OMG! They blame Snow White's running away on ANNA. "She could have been hurt or killed." Unfortunately, she WASN'T.
Shut up, Pam. No one likes you anyways.
Wth, Anna suggests that Snow White get a new stablemate.
Anna: Snow White will like a new pony as much as she likes Acorn.
Pam: That's a terrible thing to say, Anna.
Anna: Why? [My question exactly.] Everyone knows that a pony can get used to a new stablemate. Look how fast Acorn got used to the liberty horses.
Lulu: But Acorn and Snow White are best friends.
Pam: And we're supposed to be best friends.
OMG! They then call her selfish, that she obviously doesn't care about THEIR feelings. Yeah, hypocrites much?
And Anna calls them out on it!!!!!!! You go.
And then she runs out crying.
Aaaagh, there's a picture of Mr. Landel, and he looks like a round-faced version of my dad. But his wardrobe, hair, and glasses are exactly the same.
Crystal thinks Pam and Lulu are lame, too.
Elly is such a midget. Elephants and shetland ponies are NOT the same size!!
Lame. Pam and Lulu basically tell Anna they'll miss Acorn more than her.
Anna, your parents are JOKING! They're not ACTUALLY thinking of letting you join the circus!!!
The Pony Pals are sticking up for her all of a sudden. I hate them so much.
In the distance Anna saw three ponies grazing. Lightning, Snow White, and Acorn.
Retarded. She decides not to join the circus. Although I don't think her parents would've said yes anyway.
But she says she'll do it when she's older. Good luck with that.
:P That was stupid. But "Unlucky Pony" is next!!! Yay! Lucky is back!
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