Plot: Sandy Nation and her mother Maria's are moving (ON HORSEBACK???) from Powell to Reston, but they stop in Wiggins when Maria's horse gets injured. The Pony Pals assume that because Sandy has a pony, she is an amazing person, and try to become "friends" with her. But Sandy hates everyone and doesn't want to move.
Bla bla bla, about 50 pages on Sandy grumbling.
After an unsuccessful barn sleepover (This is how they become friends with people; they invite them over for a sleepover and are shocked to discover this is too much, too soon.), the girls decide to go to the river to swim. But during their lil adventure, Sandy leaves, saying she wants to go back to the Crandals' house and talk to her mom, or something.
But on their way home, Lulu discovers that Sandy was trying to go back to Powell! The Pony Pals follow her and find Sandy with a broken ankle. They help her and convince her not to go back to Powell. Um...that's it.
More notes:
Another horse? It's a miracle!
I would be crabby, too, if I had to camp in the rain with my mom for three days.
Anna, we know you're an ignorant person. Kindly try not to display your ignorance.
Pam thinks they're criminals.
It's like if there's another pony in town, it has to be the same breed as the Pony Pals' ponies. Dandy was the only exception.
They introduce themselves and each of their ponies. I don't think the nice people care.
CONTINUITY! In every other book up till now, Lulu's mother died when she was 4. In this one, they say 3. What's up with that?
Maybe she died on the day before Lulu's 4th birthday. Big question: HOW DID SHE DIE??
The pony's name is Raffle. I used to think that was the coolest name ever. But I like Waffle better.
Ew, horse named Willow. And it's a boy. Watched any Val Kilmer movies lately?
So messed up. They're moving to Reston. Maria's husband and sons took the car, and since they don't have a horse trailer, they're RIDING to Reston. WTH?? Isn't there a service that takes your horses to wherever in a trailer? I'M SURE THERE IS! Or you could BUY one.
Mrs. Crandal knows Maria. It's a small world....
Sandy: Can I call Liana now? You said I could.
Maria: Honey, don't you think it will just make you sadder?
Lulu: *Who is Liana and why would talking to her make Sandy sad?*
Gee, I can figure that out. Can't you?
Sandy doesn't want to make new friends because you're in a cult and she doesn't want to move. Leave her alone.
Okay, Sandy's just being annoying. I've noticed whenever there's a new girl in town, she's mean, shy, and self-centered. WHY IS THIS???? Are there no extroverts out there that want to move to a small horse-worshiping town?
Anna: That Sandy sure is bossy.
Like you're not....
I love Vivien Kubbos' drawings of ponies. Take that, Paul Bachem!!
Sandy looks like Dorothy Hammill with blonde hair. And Raffle is way adorable.
Sandy doesn't want Raffle outside with the other ponies. Duh. Lightning bites.
OMG, THEY'RE HAVING SPAGHETTI AGAIN! It's like our family and pasta. We're not even Italian. THAT wasn't stereotyped.
Anna compares Sandy to Rema Baxter. Can't make the connection. Rema's a desperate fiendish loser. Sandy's just mean.
Sandy's crying herself to sleep...cuz she cannot keep their attention. Sorry, Bethany Dillon song.
Pam: I don't think she knows how to make new friends.
I've heard that excuse before. Either she's a complete idiot or she knows very well what she's doing. And I think she just hates you.
Mmm, blueberry muffins.
Ew, this is so obviously a jab at Sandy.
Mrs. Crandal: It looks likeyou're stuck here with us, Maria.
Maria: I don't mind. I'll watch you teach and get some more ideas on how to run a riding school. Besides, I like making new friends.
Mrs. Crandal: Me, too.
We get it. You're daughter is a freak.
Lulu thinks Sandy is fatty because she takes a lot of food. Methinks she's running away.
Raffle tries to kill Acorn. But we don't know why. Because Acorn is the friendliest pony in the world!!
Ew, Liana's pony was named Peaches.
Sandy: Liana's my best friend in my whole life.
That sentence doesn't really flow.
Sandy is galloping on muddy ground. So the Pony Pals gallop after her to tell her to slow down. What's wrong with this picture??
Adorable picture of Acorn. He looks like he's supposed to.
Anna tries to use the whole, "It's three against one," tactic on Sandy. But Sandy basically tells her to screw off.
Sandy's being all nice. Because she doesn't want them to suspect anything. Duh.
Anna takes it seriously.
Anna also strips. Bad pictures.
Now they figure out that Sandy is a liar. Took you long enough.
You are not a good detective, Lulu. Gotta hit 'em with a dose of reality now and then.
Lulu tries to think like Sandy Nation. She makes Sandy sound all whiny. It's pretty funny.
Agh, they're calling it pony plop again.
No, Pam, don't go for help. Let's try to find Sandy ON OUR OWN with NO ADULT SUPERVISION. Losers.
Look, a huge pony imprint in the ground.
Anna: Maybe a fox got in a fight with another animal.
Are you serious?
I'm really confused as to why you can't ride with a sprained ankle. You could just mount on THE OTHER SIDE.
She sprained her ankle, I don't think she cares where help comes from.
Lulu mistakes a bracelet for a bird.
Why is Raffle wearing a halter? Is it under his bridle? Because how else did she ride there?
Sandy tries to convince the Pony Pals to help her get back to Powell. So if the police get involved, they'll get in trouble for helping a minor escape???
You can SO ride with a sprained ankle. Just mount on the side requiring your nonsprained foot and make your horse walk.
Ew, Sandy has two other friends and they solve problems together. Like the Pony Pals.
I have to admit, Sandy planned ahead.
Anna is shocked Sandy would have the balls to stay in the woods alone.
We have to hear stuff about Lulu's move from England. :P
RESTON AND POWELL AREN'T THAT FAR APART??? Then why is there this big drama???
You don't like Sandy, stop lying.
Sandy made fun of Pam. I like this girl.
Sorry, guys, but if you want to be my friend, you have to be smart AND brave. :P What is this, Harry Potter?
"Don't put your feet in the stirrups. That would hurt." JUST LOWER THE STIRRUPS!!! IT WILL NOT HURT!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. Lulu pulls the biggest guilt card of all: "I don't have a mother, so you should be grateful that you do!!!" Unbelievable. MANIPULATION!!
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