Plot: Anna goes to wake up Acorn so they can go riding, but finds him already awake...with a cat by his side. The cat seems to have a weird obsession with Acorn and follows the Pony Pals around. Finally, they can't stand it anymore and take it to Dr. Crandal's.
At the barn sleepover that night, THE BARN SETS ON FIRE! THE KITTY IS IN DANGER! But Acorn smells the fire and all the animals are saved in time. But everyone's favorite cat has gone missing!
The next morning, the Pony Pals go into the woods to search for him and find him in a tree, having been beaten up by a bobcat.
They take him BACK to Dr. Crandal's.
Acorn seems to really love this kitty, and Anna has always wanted a pet, so she tries to convince her mom (WHO IS ALLERGIC TO CATS!!) to let her keep him. Mrs. Harley is about to say no when she sees the kitty laying across Acorn's shoulders. She is so overcome by the cuteness that she agrees to keep him. Anna names the cat Shadow. And all is well.
More notes:
Most people don't put collars on their cats. That's a dog thing.
How convenient. It's winter vacation...AGAIN. Wait, wasn't it summer vacation in books #15 AND #16???? WHAT'S UP?
Read this sentence.
"Pam's father was a veterinarian and he took care of most of the cats, dogs, horses, cows, and pigs in Wiggins."
Since when are there cows and pigs in Wiggins? And it would've been a lot easier to say, "...all the animals in Wiggins."
Wow. Dr. Crandal is actually working on a patient. This never happens.
The Crandals suddenly have a kennel that houses A LOT of animals. This has never been mentioned before.
Oh, and they board horses. Didn't know that either.
Brandy is a girl's name.
Lol, the cat has been ALTERED. ROFL. Trouser snake.
Didn't your sister own a cat, Anna? Your mother was never allergic THEN.
This is about Lulu:
"She lived in tents, rode elephants, and hid behind bushes to watch the monkeys play."
Ah yes. Lulu the wild woman.
There's like 4 pages on Lulu and 2 paragraphs on Anna and Pam. And they're combined.
They're going to bed at 9:30. Right.
You would think they would notice if the animal clinic is in flames.
Dr. Crandal doesn't want the Pony Pals being heroes. But he's allowed to go back into the burning building.
Shouldn't you always have your horse's halter on? Unless he's alone in his stall?
I knew Anna's dad was a firefighter!
They let Lulu go back into a burning barn, but not Anna and Pam? Do the Crandals not like Lulu?
Lol. Mr. Harley looks like Darth Vader. From "Return of the Jedi". Sans helmet.
Heh. Acorn saved a bunch of animals from burning alive. All Lightning has ever done is "protect" a bunch of stupid kittens. And Snow White "saved" forest animals from certain death. Sort of. Not really.
Bad drawing: Lightning is bay and Snow White has huge eyes. After this book, I think Jeanne Betancourt got fed up with Paul Bachem and got a new illustrator.
Pam called Acorn stupid.
How do you mistake raccoon tracks for cat tracks?
Pam and Lulu call Anna stupid and try to force her to go back home. But Anna's all, "You can go home, I'ma keep looking," like Pam did in #9. Ha. And, because they refuse to be seperated for 2 seconds, they go with her.
I don't believe those are bobcat tracks. They're exactly the same size and shape as the regular cat tracks shown in the book.
Oooh, violence.
I thought cats always landed on their feet. If he gets too cold and falls, he'll just land on his feet, Lulu.
The cat is covered in blood.
If a bobcat is four times bigger than a housecat, how come its paws are only two times bigger?
We understand how to clean wounds, Dr. Crandal.
Pam: Could we keep him here?
Dr. Crandal: We aren't adopting any more animals.
You could trade in Fat Cat for this cat. No one likes Fat Cat anyway.
I still can't figure out how Mrs. Harley is suddenly allergic to cats.
"It'll be cold in there." "Hm. Let's put a pillow in it." Pillows make everything better.
Mr. Harley is a firefighter AND a carpenter?
Uh oh, infestation. Instead of investing in a cat, couldn't you just call the exterminator?
Your parents didn't want you to have a pony because you were FAILING SCHOOL, not because they hated animals. Anna, Anna, Anna....
No one sneezes just thinking about cats.
Heh. Mr. Harley likes cats and isn't allergic to them. The exact opposite of my dad.
That's dramatic. "It's my pony. He saved the cat's life."
And yet Pam gets to tell the whole exciting story? Shut up, Pam. It's not your pony. Your pony doesn't do anything cool; it just "saves" kittens.
They manage to convince Mrs. Harley in 2 seconds that they need a cat. She agrees so quickly!
Fuzzy is an awful suggestion, Pam.
They want to make the house 2x1x1. Is that really big enough?
Black Beauty is a stupid suggestion, Lulu.
No one wants a cat named Kitty, Lulu.
Pam, just shut up and stop suggesting things.
Eh. Shadow is better than No Name. *glares at Pam* I would've named him Faithful after the cat in the Tamora Pierce books, but hey. At least it's not Smokey.
Yeah. Not too bad. Anna seemed more tolerable in this one. #18 about the emo abused pony coming up tomorrowish.
1 comment:
youre probably not gonna read this, but im gonna comment, this is so perfect. dissecting a dumb book series. i only care about it because of this HILARIOUS edit of the book, but its still so much fun. ive used google books to read bits and pieces of those dumb kids books, and i seriously have to say, i love that someone did it.
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