Plot: Everyone in Wiggins, it seems, loves ponies. Mimi Kline seems to like them even more than the Pony Pals, or that annoying Rosalie kid! For her birthday, the Mr. and Mrs. Kline decide to buy her a pony and enlist Anna as her pony-sitter! Basically Anna will teach Mimi how to act around a pony and they will have a jolly old time. She will also teach Mimi how to ride.
But, because this is Anna we are talking about, she can't do anything without the Pony Pals. Now all three of them are pony-sitters!
The Klines buy an adorable Shetland pony named Tongo. Mimi loves Tongo. Tongo loves Mimi. They look so cute together.
But Mimi is a brat. She treats Tongo violently, doesn't listen to the Pony Pals, and runs around in circles. Come on, though. She's 5. She's a brat, but she's 5.
One day, Mimi runs away with Tongo and Mr. Monkey (don't ask). Her parents freak out and call the National Guard, the FBI, the CIA, and the state police.
But it turns out Mimi was just playing Hide-and-Seek with Tongo in the woods.
The Klines are convinced, like Anna's parents in Book #2, that Tongo is a bad influence and send him away.
But the Pony Pals tell them that Tongo is a good boy, and the Klines cave.
Mimi and Tongo forever.
That was boring.
More notes:
They don't actually explain who Mimi is in the beginning. And since when does Anna have neighbors besides Lulu?
"We call ourselves the Pony Pals." I don't think the nice people care, Anna.
Tongo is a pretty cute name. Totally naming my pony Tongo.
"Small ponies can be spoiled." So can big ponies....
Awwww, Bubble is a cute name, too.
It really rubs me the wrong way when people refer to horses as blonde.
I thought Mr. Olson worshiped Acorn? Apparently not?
Jeanne Betancourt needs to use semicolons instead of making a new sentence.
Doesn't kickball require more than two people? Wouldn't it be "kicking a ball" or "playing soccer" rather than "kickball"?
Yeah. Pulling the pony's tail. Not smart.
We now know that the Pony Pals eat at the diner for free. Lame.
I want a purple riding helmet really bad.
Really, how hard is it to ride? You sit. They pull. Horse goes. Well, when you're a little kid. When you're older, they start on the stupid technicalities.
Mimi talks to herself in third person.
And she wants to see Tongo's bellybutton.
Do ponies really not have bellybuttons? I'm going to check up on that.
Tongo so ugly in all the pictures.
Where do they keep Tongo if they're riding up and down the driveway? I'm not seeing a stable for this family.
AAAAAAAAAGH! You don't have to know that much about horses to let a little kid play with one. Just utilize proper safety habits.
I hate this sentence:
"He did whatever Lulu asked him to do. Walk. Trot. Or halt."
I remember class trips to the museum. I've never been to an actual museum with dinosaurs and paintings and stuff, tho. Only to the Washington State History Museum or whatever and that stupid Seattle Art Museum. Jealous.
Mrs. Bell is an idiot.
Pam: After, we're having dinner at the diner with Lulu's father.
Lulu: He's going to tell us about his trip to India. He was in India studying monkeys. (you didn't have to say India twice)
Mimi: I have a monkey! He's MY Mr. Monkey.
Mrs. Bell: Mr. Monkey is a stuffed animal.
They saw a painting that looked just like Mr. Monkey! I totally pictured a sock monkey when they mentioned Mr. Monkey. *shudder* What kind of sicko takes time and energy to paint sock monkeys?
Mwahahaha, they think something terrible has happened to Mimi.
They've been at the museum all day. Of course Mimi isn't with them.
They think someone kidnapped Mimi. Yeah. Right. Mrs. Bell was there, she would've heard the screaming, or at least someone randomly walking in. How exactly are they picturing this scene?
Kidnapper: Hey, kid.
Mimi: WHAT?
Kidnapper: Come with me.
Mimi: Okay. Let's go visit Tongo!
I bet he was wearing a ski mask, too. Isn't a ski mask the red flag?
They think maybe she went to visit a friend. I totally expected Mrs. Kline to say, "SHE HAS NO FRIENDS!"
Still not saying poop. Now they're saying "pony plop". Better than "you-know-what".
Oh. She's playing Hide and Seek with Tongo. OF COURSE. In the woods. At night. No danger here!
What? Pam and Lulu are working their butts of, too, but Anna is the only one getting paid????
Mr. Monkey is kind of cute....
Why is it Anna's fault that Mimi is losing her pony? Can't figure that out.
The Klines own a hardware store. Didn't know that either.
Oh, Anna didn't teach her enough safety and let her think she could be a Pony Pal. I'm sure that's why she ran away, Anna.
Mimi wasn't really lost. But the Pony Pals withhold this information till the end.
Heh. Mrs. Bell is all Italian.
Rosalie and the Pony Pals seem to have been frozen in time, because everyone else grows older but they're still the same age.
Mimi is subjecting Rosalie to slave labor.
AAAAAAH! Mimi is going to grow up to be a serial killer, because she blames everything on Mr. Monkey/split personality.
The Klines think Anna is on the crack corn, too.
The author felt she had to describe how each character laughed at Mimi's witty joke.
Mimi has more energy than a million batteries. Heh.
Oh boy. That was...really boring. But Super Special #2 is up next! Ooh, a special edition pony topper??? Check it!
The Stories of Our Ponies
Pony Pals Super Special #2
The Pony Pals want to write a book about their ponies. They interview past owners, and even meet Snow White's foal! This great story comes with your very own Pony Pal pencil with a fuzzy pony topper and specially designed mini-notebook, plus a free pony portrait bookmark and two collecting cards.
You'll love this very special Pony Pals book!
Man. I guess Acorn didn't father Snow White's baby. :(
OMG, I read the plot summary for Super Special #4 and Snow White and Acorn HATE EACH OTHER! LOL! And I thought they were lovers. Wow, was I wrong. So Lightning and Pam have to play peacemaker. Not peachmaker.
So jealous. I want a fuzzy pony topper.
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