Plot: Lulu has been gone on a two week vacation in Virginia, visiting her godparents, and the Pony Pals have been taking care of Snow White for her. But when Lulu gets home, she is shocked to find Snow White missing! She freaks out for a million pages, until she sees Anna and Pam...riding to Anna's house...with Snow White...
...who's being ridden by Charlie Chase, Mr. Olson's nephew, who is visiting town. And he was riding Snow White not only without Lulu's permission, but WESTERN STYLE!!! *gasp* Lulu gets really peeved and acts all mad for another million pages. She doesn't want to hang out with Pony Pals, is mean to Charlie, and doesn't ride Snow White. Then she makes up with them after they apologize to her (yeah...) and instead of running away to Virginia (don't ask), she invites her godsister (is there such a thing?) Alicia to Wiggins to participate in Mr. Olson's hoedown! Oh boy!
But on the day of the hoedown, Charlie's horse Moondance (that's really his name) injures his leg, so Charlie can't trick ride. But Lulu lets him ride Snow White. And they are best friends forever. Yeah. It was pretty boring.
More notes:
Jigsaw. Another adorable pony name.
Why do we need to know the color of the hair Grandmother Sanders is cutting?
Since when does Dr. Crandal have an assistant? His business has expanded quite a bit since #1.
Isn't Pony Pal Trail secret? How does Henry know about it?
Again, Lulu decides not to tell her grandmother that she's going out into the woods because it's too important and her grandma probably wouldn't let her do it. Smart.
Ooh, Charlie is from Wyoming. And Lulu thinks he's irresponsible.
I used to think Moondance was the coolest name EVER. Not so much anymore.
I don't get why Lulu is so freaked that he rode her western. Snow White's stupid, but she's not stupid enough to get confused.
Charlie = no social skills. But at least he's friendly. YES, SOMEONE WHO ISN'T SHY AND SELF-CENTERED! Then again, he's a guy. :P
He's being conscientous, leave him alone.
Why do we need this whole description on the wonder of the Pony Pals IN EVERY BOOK!!! Because it's ALWAYS THE SAME. They could at least shorten it, or spice it up or something. And it totally didn't fit with what Lulu is thinking. She thinks about the Pony Pals origins, way back to Mommy and Daddy in the bedroom, and then after 6 pages is all, "But they didn't even feel like Pony Pals anymore." WHAT??
Charlie can whistle to ponies. Jealous.
Lulu such a loser. She's all whining about everything.
She buys some plastic ponies for Anna and Pam from a museum. Where is this plastic pony museum? I want to go.
Alicia sounds way nice. I wish she and Lulu would switch places. Then maybe Anna could grow a brain and Pam would stop being such a control freak.
Pretty picture of Snow White. Anna is still on the crack corn. And she still wakes up at 5:00 AM. BECAUSE SHE LIKES IT.
Lulu wonders if Pam and Anna have gone boy crazy all of a sudden. Okay, just because you like girls....
Now she's chewing out Anna!
Snow White's all, "Crap, Lulu's back."
Lulu doesn't want Moondance to hurt Snow White, but she willingly puts Snow White in the paddock with Lightning. Um, right.
Moondance sounds adorable, but they never show a picture. Same with Alicia.
This is like #16 all over again. Charlie barrel races with Snow White and Lulu freaks out and is all, "HORSE SAFETY! HORSE SAFETY!"
A lame joke about skipping rope. "I'm skipping rope." "We're not skipping rope. This isn't jump rope." I swear, it's as if the author had NEVER HEARD OF EXCLAMATION POINTS!
Charlie should hang out with Tommy and Mike because he's an obnoxious boy. Yeah, that wasn't sexist.
Shut up, Lulu. You're just jealous.
Nice excuse. Liar.
Hm, your friends are finally reaching out to non-Pony Pals, so you decide to go back to Virgina.
Isn't that a rule? No boys at sleepovers???
I love it when Pam acts like Lulu is stupid.
Moondance isn't bad looking. But I pictured him cuter. DISAPPOINTING.
Wth, Snow White isn't wearing a bridle in the picture. And Lulu was all mad that Pam and Anna had supposedly ridden her bareback. Hypocrite much?
Wait, that's ANNA riding Snow White. WHAAAAAAAT?
Uh oh, Pam and Anna want Lulu to conform to their menu choices....
Why would they need to ask you before they planned a hoedown? It's not like they're doing it for you.
The word "stupid" shows up multiple times in this book. *gasp* IT'S A CHILDREN'S STEP-UP BOOK!
I heart Belgians.
Oh, sure, Pam, let's use the ribbons your mother won in her show days to give to all the good little boys and girls!
They think cross-dressing is funny.
Barrel racing on English is way fun.
Charlie always picks the wrong time to say something.
LOL. Pam and Anna are just ignoring Lulu's tantrums.
Ew, a picture of Acorn all sway-backed and teary-eyed.
So Alicia is coming, but we'll never know what she looks like, and then we'll never hear from her again.
OMG! Take that, Lulu!
Anna: You use to say you had fun in Wiggins. (Anna is always mumbling)
Pam: Didn't you even miss us when you were gone? We missed you.
Lulu: You did not. You didn't even care that I came back.
Pam: Well, you didn't act happy to be back. All you did was complain.
WTH??? IT HAPPENED AGAIN! In the picture, Anna is saddling up Snow White and Lulu is mounting Acorn. WTH???
Lucky. Alicia has 6 horses. Or 4 horses, 2 ponies. Whatever.
Little Rascal is a dumb name.
Pam is trying to set up Alicia with Charlie!!!!!
Ew, they do the letter from three points of view again, and Lulu talks about how much she hates Charlie for like forever, and Anna talks about how much she loves Charlie.
Totally reminded me of last year when Mr. Caley called Mrs. Schultz-Story and said, "I sent you an e-mail."
Who doesn't love winning? You wouldn't be all, "CRAP! I WON!"
Anna kisses Lulu on the cheek. Holding hands, kissing cheeks...?
Only 6 posters? How small is this town?
Anna is wearing a red strapless gown. I kid you not.
Jigsaw sounds adorable, too! And there's no picture....
Alicia and the Pony Pals get along very well. And Lulu doesn't get all jealous of Alicia.
Alicia likes Charlie, too, and Lulu doesn't get mad at her.
Why does Pam always win first place?
Charlie competes in the adult division. How old is he?
Charlie is a real man.
Why does Dr. Crandal always pop out of nowhere?
Ew. Mr. Olson has a horse named Handsome.
Charlie's a hottie. No lie.
Charlie is responsible on Snow White and wins a prize...and Lulu congratulates Snow White. Loser.
Lulu is way evil. But Anna suddenly hates Charlie all of sudden? It's in #23, which is coming up later.
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