Plot: Snow White had a son! Who knew? The son, named Snowflake, comes to Wiggins with his owner Mark. Lulu really enjoys learning fascinating things about Snow White and decides to write her life story. Pam and Anna, being copy cats, do the same thing with their ponies.
Basically the whole book is about the history of the ponies.
Yay, Snow White was raised by Mark.
Yay, Acorn was owned by someone with cerebral palsy who gained confidence from ponies.
Yay, Lightning was born in Ireland.
When they're all done learning, the Pony Pals make a book and donate it to the library.
Oh yeah, and Snowflake is being sold and Lulu wants to buy him, but can't, so the Pony Pals try to force Mrs. Wiggins to buy him. That seems to be their motto: When in doubt, make Ms. Wiggins buy a pony.
But Snowflake goes to a little girl in Falls City, which *gasp* is very close to Wiggins! The day is saved!
More notes:
Snowflake is kind of a bad name for a boy horse.
"Snow White's story". How original.
"We'll help you with spelling." Or you could use a computer...with spellcheck!
Pam has a mosquito bite on her forehead. Or so she says.
I wish the Mrs. Crandal would stop mentioning Splash and Daisy every 5 seconds.
I like how they were all shocked that Victoria Winters would want to sell horses for a living, but are completely cool with Mark doing it for a living. Cuz Mark's a hottie.
Lulu looks all Emily Strange in one picture.
Rema doesn't want Mark to think she's nice; she wants Mark to think she's sexually desirable.
Didn't we already know that Acorn had 8 owners?
Wait, how old is Mr. Olson is Acorn's mother was his childhood pony...? Acorn is way old.
Connemaras are Irish. Shockingly enough, Lightning was born in Ireland.
Lulu wants Marks' body. I remember writing a Pony Pals story where Lulu married Mark, Anna married Charlie and worked at a diner because she was poor, and Pam just became all mean and didn't marry Tommy? It was lame. And something about a black horse named Samson. Because I am obsessed with black horses named Samson.
If they want this book to seem all professional, they shouldn't type stuff like, "Snow White is my beautiful pony. Hugs and kisses forever."
Pam loves unnecessary information. "Four years ago my mother and father bought a Connemara pony from you. Her name is Lightning and she is mine." Right. Duh. And those sentences could've been combined into one shorter sentence.
Pony Pal Pancake Special? I think this is supposed to be a joke: blueberry pancakes...*stifles giggle*...WITH A CARROT ON TOP!!! Yeah, not funny.
PONIES DO NOT HAVE PLAYDATES!!! Dogs have playdates. Little kids have playdates. Ponies don't do playdates.
"Beauty looks so beautiful!" Ha. Couldn't think of a different adjective.
I like how all the Pony Pals take credit for "saving Beauty's life" when it was mostly Pam.
Sally Southack uses crutches because she has a disability, not because she fell off Acorn!!! Geez, Anna. What is he, like 3 feet off the ground?
Sally sounds Southern (ew, alliteration). "Acorn, get yourself over here!"
Sally = way pretty.
Anna likes unnecessary information, too. "Pam is going to write down what you say about Acorn. It's hard for me to listen and write at the same time. I'm dyslexic." You could've said, "I'm dyslexic."
Shetland ponies do not cause cerebral palsy.
Where do they get off talking about Tommy behind his back? They've told at least 6 people already, "He's a show offy jerk pants!"
I hate people that name their horses full sentences, such as Like the Wind, or Dapperton's Dapper Dappy Dappled Dimple. And then they give them nicknames that are totally unrelated, like Ranger, because he likes grass???
"Connemara ponies live like goats in the hills." Ooooookay, does that imply that they act like goats? A less confused way to say it would be, "Connemara ponies live in the hills like goats."
Yay, an owner that actually gives the horse credit!
"Maybe Lightning should've been left in the wild...." Yeah, and then she could starve to death with the rest of her kind.
Anna has never used e-mail. Yes.
Aaargh, because Mr. Kelly is Irish, he has to use words like "wee" and "creature" and "fine" and say stuff in Gaelic.
Winnie-the-Pooh can't be classified as a teddy bear.
There's not much Tommy can do to you when you're on horseback. Stupid Anna.
They hyphenate AND italicize "all right". Pam says it, "All-right!"
Aw, Tommy looks so cute as Winnie-the-Pooh. Acorn, on the other hand, is the ugliest Acorn I have ever seen.
"Acorn is my best friend. I can tell him all of my problems." I would not want that published.
Because I'm also dyslexic, I thought the first sentence said something about the Pony Pals eating hay. I was all, "Wth???? Is this how you get your kicks? Chewing grass? Most people smoke it...."
I doubt your dad is going to be willing to buy you another pony, Lulu. Especially since the last time you bought one it turned out to be a sickly wimp.
Mr. Sanders is in India again???
Mrs. Crandal only has two ponies: Splash and Daisy. What? What did she do before book #6??? I think she could afford another pony. BUY SNOWFLAKE!
Sucking up NEVER works.
Argh, shut up, Lulu, about stupid Snowflake. It hurts her freaking heart. Suck it up.
I thought this was a story about Lightning's life. A step-by-step process of how Lightning was put into an airplane isn't that vital to the story.
Lightning used to be anorexic. And cute. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU???
Ugh, a little joke about the stupid upside-down heart on Lightning's head.
Heh. I can make copies for free at school. Although I don't really have any copies I want to make.
Lulu making me way angry. NO ONE CARES ABOUT SNOWFLAKE!
Confusing illustration on the cover of the book: there is a pasture and some grass, but the pony has no body. Just a head. Floating in the grass?
She already bought Beauty. I don't think Ms. Wiggins wants another sickly pony.
But she sees through their scam. Like it was so subtle.
"We used all of our Pony Pal power. It just didn't work this time." Or maybe you don't have any power.
Oh, because I want to waste time reading a book about ponies written by ten-year-olds.
Ew, Mark likes hanging out with Pony Pals.
I notice whenever their is a pony for sale, it's auctioned off to some little dark-haired girl who is never seen again. Besides Lulu.
That was lame. But not as lame as "The Blind Pony", which is coming up next. Bah, ten-year-olds.
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