Plot: Pam is an amazing rider, according to pretty much everyone, but she doesn't like horse shows. And no, not because of chicken pox or getting sick, but because people in horse shows get uber-competitive and bloodthirsty and we know Pam isn't like that. *cough cough* Um, anyway, her Pony Pals decide to participate in the horse show, because they're cool like that, and all proceeds go to the St. Francis Animal Hospital. Okay, it's like a rule: If you have an animal hospital, it has to be named after St. Francis.
Then Rosalie and Mimi attack Pam in the diner and ask her to give them riding lessons because they are both going to be in the horse show (Rosalie will ride on Tongo, as she has no pony). Pam agrees, and so do the other Pony Pals, EVEN THOUGH THEY WEREN'T ASKED.
So Pam starts teaching Rosalie and Mimi how to handle Tongo, who has become quite ornery, and her Pony Pals try to force her to be in the horse show.
One day, while Pam is jumping, Eleanor Morgan comes and tells her she's GOOD!!! Duh, Eleanor Morgan, Olympic champion in show jumping. She doesn't actually exist. STOP THE LIES.
Because of Eleanor's encouragement and offer to teach her more pointers, Pam decides to be in the horse show. During lessons, she tells Rosalie that she can ride Lightning in the horse show instead of Tongo, because Tongo is dumb and living with Mimi has tainted him forever.
OH NO! On show day, show jumping (Pam's event) and Walk, Trot (Rosalie's event) are at the same time!!!!! But Pam sacrifices glory and happiness and more glory and lets Rosalie ride Lightning, therefore missing her event. :( It was way moving, and it made Pam seem like a real person. And Rosalie wins a blue ribbon. Because she can. And everyone is proud of Pam. Except the Pony Pals, who don't seem to grasp the weight of her decision. Jerks.
Also, there was this whole subplot where Rosalie wanted to buy this kitten named Chicago from the animal shelter, but her mom hates cats and anything that breathes and has fur. Apparently has a thing for fish. ANYWAYS, Chicago gets adopted by someone else and Rosalie is heartbroken until it turns out...THE KLINES ADOPTED CHICAGO SO ROSALIE COULD SEE HIM ANY TIME SHE WANTED!! Whatever, isn't Tongo enough for the Klines? Mimi is way spoiled and she'll probably do something awful, like put Chicago in the freezer accidentally. Or on purpose. Who knows.
More notes:
Mrs. Crandal has taken to using the phrase "pretty pony". And she seems to forget that, uh, SHE BOUGHT LIGHTNING???
Why is everyone trying to force Pam to be in a horse show? Different people like different things, and I agree, horse shows suck.
Wth, Starfire (Eleanor's horse) looks just like Lightning in horse form.
The Pony Pals eat a lot of brownies, spaghetti, and blueberry pancakes. You think they would tire of these things.
Lulu and Anna are trying to force Pam to be in the show because "it's for a good cause". So is the Breast Cancer walk, and not a lot of people can do 60 miles in 3 days.
Mimi so annoying. With bad grammar. IRONY.
Whatever. A hamster with the works is like $20-$30, and it doesn't cost that much to take care of one. Mrs. Lacey is a b****.
Totally picturing Mrs. Kline as one of those busybody teachers everyone hates.
Never mind. Mrs. Kline asks all of them to help.
Shut up, Mimi. You are not going to win the blue ribbon.
Mimi says things like "goodie".
Mrs. Kline is a busybody. Telling the Pony Pals things about the Laceys' divorce.
Mimi calls it an animal hotel and it's supposed to be cute.
CONTINUITY ERROR! In every book up until now, Anna didn't get her first pony until she was 9, not 10. This book says 10.
Pam and Anna met Lulu at the beginning of 5th grade. What grade are you in now? Because if you're still in 5th grade, you had an extra long summer and winter.
Mimi is happy that someone tried to dump kittens in a trash can.
The kittens do not miss their daddy, Rosalie. You miss your daddy.
It's a boy cat because it has testicles, not because the shelter lady proclaimed it so.
Way to stick it to the man, Rosalie.
I like how all cats are black and white. Shadow, Pal, Chicago....
Tongo attacks Rosalie. And this is funny why?
Lulu told Mimi to shut up. Heh.
They describe Mimi as stubborn, spoilt, and adorable. Why not just say spoiled? And SHE'S NOT ADORABLE. Tongo is pretty cute, tho.
We haven't seen Ms. Wiggins in a while. Did she permanently move to Paris?
"Fat Cat and two of her kittens scampered around the field looking for mice." WHAT KITTENS? You gave away all the kittens, remember? Pal was the last one! Did she have some more?? Did Shadow get frisky?
I don't believe Anna has met an Olympic champion.
Lame. They all write an e-mail in three different fonts (one for each girl, if you hadn't noticed), and Lulu and Anna's portions are way pointless. They ask Eleanor if it's true that she had Pony Pals when she was their age! Yeah. Like she'd be willing to admit that.
I love how everyone in Wiggins knows who Eleanor Morgan is. Because everyone loves horses.
Picture = way disturbing. Rosalie is practically tackling Pam.
Cat food is expensive? Just feed it tuna!
Classy, Mike. Blame the Pony Pals. Great way to get girls.
Rosalie and Mike hold hands? I never did that with my brothers. William, maybe.
Why is Mrs. Lacey letting Mike get away with this behavior? BAD PARENTING.
Pam is meeting an Olympic athlete and she feels a little shy. WTH????
Jeanne even admits that she made Starfire look just like Lightning.
This is so awful!!!
Mrs. Crandal: Did you have a good workout with Starfire?
Eleanor: Yes. I also saw what your daughter can do with her pony.
Pam: She gave me a lesson.
Mrs. Crandal: Lucky for you. Too bad she doesn't like to show it off. I don't understand that about Pam.
WHY WOULD YOU SAY THIS IN FRONT OF ANOTHER PERSON? I would be so mortified if my mom ever said this about me. Although she doesn't have to, because I quite like showing off.
Mrs. Crandal: She's afraid to lose.
Mrs. Crandal bought new school ponies? Will they ever be mentioned again, I wonder?
Pam: I want to be with ponies and horses forever. They are the most important thing in my life.
Screw family, friends, and school.
Dang. Rosalie can post at 6? Jealous. I can't post worth crap.
Tongo so cute.
DON'T GIVE IN, PAM! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO, DON'T DO IT! Actually, I'm not one to give advice, seeing as I just joined jazz band and I didn't want to. It's because I'm such a pleaser.
Why is Lulu so obsessed with the championship trophy?
Rosalie has kind of a messed up family: Dad lives in Chicago and she never sees him, Mom's a...witch, and her brother's a criminal.
Anna: He just wants to look like a big shot who ignores girls.
Because that's what all guys strive to be.
"The Pony Pests are here! Call the exterminator!"
Ew, Lulu calls Tommy "Tommy-the-Big-Dude".
Of course the Pony Pals have to place. Anna gets fourth. Lulu gets third. Pam gets FIRST! This isn't in the jumping competition, btw. That would be weird.
Rosalie is totally oblivious to the fact that Pam just gave up a shiny trophy for her.
Now Anna is obsessed with the trophy.
Wait, this event is "Walk, Trot". It is not based on time.
Pam: I don't know. The important thing is that she rides well and has a good time."
Uh, what??? Time doesn't matter if everyone is riding in a circle together.
"What a lovely sight it is." Wth, Mrs. Bell?
Rosalie wins first prize...but it's so weird how they announce it.
"The first place prize, the blue ribbon...goes to Rosalie Lacey on Pam Crandal's pony, Lightning." Has Jeanne Betancourt never heard of exclamation points? And why do we need to know that it's Pam's pony? No one really cares whose horse it is as long as you win.
Pam is the big winner today, as far as Eleanor is concerned. Whatever.
Uh, Anna, you got second place. And you said you had no chance at winning? Shut your mouth.
Anna shows Tongo who is alpha. "You will behave."
Mimi's posture is horrible. She's hunched over Tongo's neck.
Lame. Everyone in Mimi's competition gets a blue ribbon. Was everyone that bad, that they had to give EVERYONE first prize?
What kind of announcement is this?
"Also, there are animals for adoption in the tent behind the food stand. Three dogs and two cats are left. All the black-and-white kittens have been adopted. They will be there until the end of the show. Those kittens are very cute, so go on over and see them. And check out the other pets while you are there."
Mr. Olson is announcing this? He's so creepy!!!! Why can't he get a life?
Aw, Mike offered to get a job so Rosalie could get a cat. That part REALLY moved me. Like really, really.
Stupid Mrs. Kline. Just tell her you bought the stupid cat.
Omg. It's "MIMI AND I!"
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