Plot: Pam is going on a ride with her buddy and partner-in-crime Lightning and her annoying dog Woolie when she comes upon a sheep pen in the middle of Pony Pal Trail! You all remember Pony Pal Trail, right? If you don't (I might have never told you about it), it's the mile-and-a-half trail that connects Pam and Anna's houses. Since Lulu now lives right next to Anna, it becomes EXTRA convenient for all the lil friends to meet and greet and...yeah. BUT THERE ARE SHEEP ON PONY PAL TRAIL! Anna and Lulu come upon the sheep, too, and all of them are very confoozed. Woolie isn't, however. He likes to bark at sheep, because he is a SHEEPDOG. Haha. Not.
GASP! The new owners of the property come to chase the Pony Pals away and tell them to NEVER TRESPASS ON THEIR PROPERTY AGAIN!!!
The Pony Pals are crushed. THEY LOVE PONY PAL TRAIL! But it does not love them back. So they try to think up ideas to get the Stewarts to let them back on the trail.
They write the Stewarts a nice letter.
No dice.
They invite the Stewarts over for a tea party!
The Stewarts accept the invitation...only to not attend due to their pregnant sheep.
It seems the Pony Pals will never get their trail back. But then, after trespassing on the Stewarts' property AGAIN, they find a newborn lamb stuck in the bushes. It got seperated from its mammy! They take care of it and put it back with its mammy, while Woolie watches the flock (awwwww). Mrs. Stewart comes home, finds the girls, and is furious...until she finds out they saved a lamb. This changes her mind about everything, and the Pony Pals get the trail back! Yaaaaaaaaaay!
More notes:
I hate Woolie. So Happy from "7th Heaven". It annoys me.
I want to know exactly what was going through Pam's head at that moment: Zut alors! Sheep!
Snow White scared of sheep. Hate.
Mr. Stewart comes out carrying a big stick. Wth? Violent much?
The stupid Pony Pals riff is back and its bigger than ever before.
"Pam brushed Woolie's golden bangs back with her fingers and looked into his eyes." That does NOT sound like they're referring to a dog.
The origins of the Pony Pal trail, how exciting. It can't be THAT secret. Come on, people LIVE on it.
These girls can eat a mess of brownies.
They only go riding on weekends? Together? Don't horses need more that?
If they live there and are building a sheep pen, I think they own.
"Cynthia Prindle Stewart"? What kind of name is that?
Who is Julie Rosen? Since when has she let the Pony Pals ride on her land? WHO IS THIS WOMAN?
Mr. Crandal is so mean. OMG, DAISY IS BACK! Remember her #6? They never reference other books, besides #1 and #2.
"Come on, Lightning. Do it for Woolie." That sounds wrong.
The girls congratulate each other for sneaking onto the Stewarts' property without being noticed.
Pam writes a letter. Part of it says, "Our ponies are very well-behaved." Um, isn't Acorn always being mischevious and running away from Anna? And doesn't Lightning get moody and bite people?
Heh. Mrs. Stewart sends Pam hatemail.
Pam is so pessimistic.
Wth, they're in 5th grade. What kind of school do they go to? 5th graders and 8th graders are schooled together and they all get LOCKERS? Unfair.
"Do something nice for the Stewarts." LIKE WHAT? LIKE WHAT?
What is it with these Wiggins-y people and free business? "Oh, my dad will build two gates in the sheep pen for FREE!"
Who uses the word "companion" in 5th grade? Actually, Kelvin did sometimes. Heh. Kelvin. I remember that kid.
Doesn't the second bell mean you're late? The Pony Pals are skipping class!!!
I agree, Pam. Throwing a grown-up party for the Stewarts is a bad idea.
They lie and tell Mrs. Stewart about a party that doesn't exist. Oh, wait, it's a TEA PARTY. For GROWN UPS.
Why is Ms. Wiggins in Paris???? Did she get bored with Conecticut and leave?
Apparently Lulu is a tea party expert.
Lol, for a whole page they discuss this and I totally pictured them with British accents.
What a wonderful menu.
Cucumber sandwhiches, a lamb cake (not made out of lambs), brownies, candy, fruit punch, tea.
Sounds like a little kid's birthday party. Minus the gross sandwhiches.
Okay, I'm probably just crazy, but COME ON, EDITORS!
*they see the lamb*
Anna: It's so cute.
Lulu: Look! There's ANOTHER baby lamb.
Anna: There's ANOTHER baby lamb.
Pam: She had twins!
What??? Didn't you just say there were three??? SO CONFUSED.
Dang, three babies? How many babies can sheep pop out?
Queenie is an awful name. And the lamb looks like a dog with a bad haircut.
Ew, picture of Mrs. Stewart. She's way old. I was totally picturing some newlyweds with a sheep fetish.
Again, the Pony Pals don't want to be paid to be sheep sitters. How ELSE are you going to pay for all those brownies you eat?
Anna's father is a carpenter? I thought he was a firefighter.....
Remind me how Lightning assisted in saving Pony Pal Trail. Really, I can't figure this out. She just acted crabby and comforted Pam in her despair. That's not that much of an accomplishment.
So that's that. I really want a lamb cake. I also finished the one about the city girl who hated ponies, so I'll post when I's done wif dis. Aaargh, the next one discussed the Pony Pals' lack of social skills. You'll see for yourselves.
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