Plot: Pam is out riding Lightning when she finds a pony in a seemingly abandoned barn. The pony looks very sick and the barn is in terrible condition. Pam tells the Pony Pals and they go back to visit the pony, but are caught by its owners.
Lulu and Anna want to call the police and accuse the owners of animal abuse, but Pam doesn't actually believe the owners are guilty of animal abuse. Lulu and Anna thinks this is stupid and emotionally abuse her for several pages.
Finally, the Pony Pals find out that the old people that own Ginger (the old, sick pony) are really nice and they're just poor, so they don't take of Ginger. But Lulu and Anna don't admit they were wrong and require an apology from Pam. Grrr....
The Pony Pals visit the Quinns (the old people) and offer to take care of Ginger and give them food. They also give the Quinns a cat to replace their old one and have Dr. Crandal give all the animals antibiotics. And everyone is happy.
More notes:
Jeanne Betancourt has learned personification. Actually, she learned that a long time ago, but her usage of it in this book are better.
Another example of people not controlling their ponies.
Anna: Pam, we packed the best lucnh. Ham and cheese sandwiches and, of course, brownies.
You would think they would get tired of brownies. And ham and cheese sandwiches aren't that great. At least not together.
Yeah. Eating lunch in a ghost town. Fun.
I see we have a new illustrator.... The girls actually look their age, but I hate her style. The author's, that is.
Say what? The Crandals own three ponies (Lightning, Splash, Daisy) and board several horses. Who are those several? Is Paint one of them?
Isn't it wrong to spy on people? They should at least use a different word than "spy".
"Ginger. Ginger. You are a bad old girl." That makes me laugh. No idea why.
Why is she inspecting Ginger's hoof? She only inspects one hoof. I would understand it if she did all four, but only one? Don't see the point of this.
Anna's drawings have gotten even worse because of the new illustrator. I miss Paul Bachem.
Do the police actually handle animal abuse charges? I didn't think they did. Maybe I'm wrong.
They need more evidence, Pam says. She just disagreed with the Pony Pals. Bring on the manipulation and emotional abuse.
"It's two against one. You have to do what Lulu and I want." Shut up, Anna.
What a mature response: "I know more about ponies than you do. You have to do what I want."
Pam says, "Let's go," and Anna thinks she's being bossy. Shut up, whore.
Anna's just being a brat. HATE HATE HATE. She and Lulu are pretty even on the annoyance scale now.
Gee, something couldn't be wrong with Ginger's teeth to make her not want to eat, could there?
Who would want to steal an old sick pony?
Oh, right, Pam, run away. That's pretty much a confession right there.
"They're horrible. That's why they abuse Ginger."
"He was pointing a gun at you. He wanted to shoot you."
1. They're poor and old, not horrible.
2. IT WAS A FREAKING CANE! How do you mistake a cane for a gun????
Lulu: Pam, why don't you want to tell the police about Ginger's owners?
Pam: We dont' know anything about that old couple. THey might need help, too.
This is the closest Anna and Lulu get to apologizing.
Anna: Maybe you're right.
Lulu: We don't even know their names. There's a lot we don't know about them.
That sounded like Lulu was blaming Anna. Now for the unnecessary apology.
Pam: I'm sorry I was so bossy.
Anna: I hate it when you act like that.
Pam: I know. I hate it, too.
Anna: We forgive you.
Why, Pam?
Richard and Gertrude Quinn. Have lived on farm for seventy years.
Why not just make it a complete sentence??
My grandma's name is Shirley.
They had a black cat. Just like Shadow.
HOLY CRAP! Ginger used to pull a milk cart 30 years ago. How old is she, then???
All of a sudden Lulu is opposed to spying. Gee, you weren't opposed to it when you spied on Kim, much less 20 pages ago.
Duh. They're old. They yell because they can't hear.
The dog's name is Snappy. Heh. That's what Bob said about Oggy. That really makes me want a dog named Snappy.
They Pony Pals are even controlling Pam's breakfast choices?
Lulu: We both want orange juice and French toast. What about you?
Don't follow the crowd, Pam....
Pam: I'll have the same thing.
Oh my goodness. A very horrible drawing that Anna is supposed to have done. It's worse than her previous drawings.
I didn't know social workers helped old people.
Oh no, a moving story about Mrs. Harley's childhood. The Quinns gave her free milk and eggs.
Again, why would they want to steal Ginger, who is really old, has arthritis, and overlong teeth?
Aw, a picture of the Quinns. They're so adorable.
Violet Croft? That's Anna's grandma's name. That's a horrible name.
Wonder if she was related to Lara Croft....
They spell thank you "thankyou". Who edited this book??
Duh. I told you her teeth were too long.
The Crandals have a palomino thoroughbred named J.B. Such a lie.
Ginger is 35. Daaang.
Ew, they wish upon a star.
I want Meals on Wheels. Pasta every night.
I find it weird that they consider Shadow Acorn's cat.
Anna is being way annoying and pessimistic.
Ew, Acorn is being creepy with Shadow.
Ginger isn't sad because she has arthritis and orthodontial problems. She just misses her kitty friend. Right.
So they decide to give away Fat Cat's last kitten. HOW IS HE STILL A KITTEN, at least 20 summers have passed since that incident. Maybe he is frozen in time, too.
Pam is having second thoughts about this. Just give them Fat Cat, no one likes her anyway. Keep Pal for yourself if you like him so much.
Ponies aren't often frightened by the meowing of cats.
Apparently everyone who's ever lived is somehow connected to the Quinns. Even people in real life are somehow connected to two fictional old people in a children's book.
Heh. Ginger likes pain meds.
That was awful. The more I think about it, I think the Pony Pals are a cult. Because they're exclusive, secretive, and no one questions the leadership.
I need to read the three steps of identifying a cult again. Party on.
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