Plot: Some random person drops a baby pony off at Crandal Animal Clinic (it has a name? I just thought if it as the Crandals' house). The pony is three days old and its mother died. The Pony Pals start to feed it, and love it, and take care of it for about 80 pages. But taking care of a pony is hard work.
A woman comes and tries to buy Baby Pony (they couldn't think up a better name than that). They refuse because the woman is mean and wants to sell him for a lot of money.
But then a little crying girl and her dad come along and the Pony Pals take pity on her because her own pony died. BUT THEY REFUSE THE MONEY AND ARE JUST HAPPY WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT BABY PONY HAS A GOOD HOME. The End. Snore.
More notes:
Pony Pal Trail is Anna's favorite place "in the world". Something tells me Anna doesn't get out of Wiggins very often.
No, I don't think about how I met my friends every time I see them.
"A bay-colored foal." Why can't they say bay and leave it at that?
"Lulu rubbed the foal's silky brown coat. It was the softest thing she'd ever touched." You've obviously never met Luke.
Geez, Pam, way to be dramatic. "'The foal has to start drinking soon-' Pam finished the sentence in a whisper. "-or he'll die.'"
Psyche, it turns out Lulu actually HAS been to Africa. But if that's true, why didn't Mr. Sanders want to take her on the elephant trip? Africa's pretty dangerous without poachers. Meaning lions and civil war.
They say "nipple" like 20 times on one page. It made me laugh.
Lulu: Maybe we can get the foal to drink from a bottle with a nipple. [Don't all bottles have nipples?]
Pam: Good idea.
Anna: Do we give him plain old milk?
Pam: It'd be better to give him mare's milk. My dad has some powdered mare's milk in the office. You stay with the foal and I'll go look.
Anna: We'll need a bottle with a nipple, too.
We have to listen to more stuff about Lulu's dead mother and how awful it is. We get it.
Another barrage of nipples....
If Pam hadn't been so selfish and drunk all the milk, they wouldn't be in this predicament! Shame, shame, shame....
Interesting...Jack and Jill are a year older, but the Pony Pals are still 10. This reminds me of the story about the lightbuckers.
They're milking a goat. Totally reminds me of Milk Off.
Pam, you are talking to a goat. What's wrong with you?
Jeanne Betancourt must like the word "nipple" because she uses it A LOT.
Wait...isn't taking care of animals Mr. Crandal's job? How come he doesn't have time to take care of a foal? It's not like he has a lot of clients. He only gets clients when one of the ponies gets sick or the Pony Pals find a cat, which they do quite often, I've noticed.
It's suddenly summer vacation? And more conveniently, it just STARTED, so the Pony Pals have plenty of time to hand rear a newborn foal!
Couldn't Mr. Olson do it? He's always at home and doesn't seem to have much of a life, as he frequently runs horse shows when he gets bored.... Yeah, I know, this coming from a girl who reads "Pony Pals" and blogs about it.
Sure, Anna. Because he is a adorable, it will be fun. Try baby-sitting sometime.
EWWWWWW there's a picture of the foal; he's bald and his neck is 10 feet thicker than his body.
Anna admits that she's crap at spelling. I'm proud of you, Anna.
And then she had to go and be all cocky about her artistic talents....
Pam is not a very good writer and she has bad grammar.
Ha ha, umbillicus is a funny word.
How do you know he misses his mother? He never really knew her, did he?
Um, WHAT? The Pony Pals will be LIVING at the Crandal's for the next few weeks. And their parents are OKAY WITH THIS???
There's a whole page on the Pony Pals and their attempts at making straw furniture. Yawn.
Yes. I can see a pony crawling under a fence. Not.
RED FLAG: Pam has her arm around Anna....
Oh, sure, it's normal for ponies to pound other ponies into a bloody pulp.... Wait...I thought a few books ago Pam was priding Lightning on being able to get along with strange ponies. I know Acorn has issues, but Lightning was pretty stellar in #6.
I wish they would stop calling him Baby Pony.
Bats. In the loft. Can you say RABIES?
Acorn is WAY too huge to be a Shetland. He's as tall as Lightning and is all lean and crap.
Anna is a gourmet cook?
This foal is vicious.
Pam and Lulu can't make up their minds about Baby Pony.
Pam: He's getting spoiled.
Lulu: He just wants a mother. You can't blame him for that. [Actually....]
Lulu: *trying to sleep* His feeding isn't for another hour.
Pam: He just wants company.
No, I don't think ponies tackling people is very cute behavior.
Whoever receives the Baby Pony Journal is going to be bored out of their minds.
They mention Baby doing a little jig pretty much every 5 seconds.
I think Anna's shirt says "Jail" on it. Jealous, I want a shirt like that.
More Snow White worship. Blah. I hate Snow White.
Snow White had a foal? How come we didn't hear about this earlier?
"...he did a little jig of joy." That, with the alliteration, does not sound cute.
Baby bites Lulu and they don't think this is a problem.
Baby tries to nurse from Snow White and she pushes him to the ground. Snow White is trying to teach Baby to man up.
Aw, cute picture. Snow White actually looks like a pony.
Anna: Snow White's a great baby sitter and teacher.
Why, because she's white?
Seriously, if the only other option was Lulu, I'd rather be called Lucinda. Or at least Lucy.
Of course there are no nursing mares available in Wiggins. Because only 5 people in Wiggins own ponies!!!
How come the Pony Pals never have to pay for the brownies Mrs. Harley makes them?
Mrs. Harley: When do you think you'll start sleeping at home again?
Anna: Not until we find a nursing mare for Baby Pony.
Pam: Just pretend Anna's at a sleep-away camp, Mrs. Harley.
Mrs. Harley: It sounds more like a work-away camp.
*cough cough* ISLAND LAKE. *cough cough*
Anna: Sand. What a pretty name for a horse. I bet she's a Palomino.
I'll bet she isn't.
Lol, I want a yellow convertible.
I agree! Baby is no name for a horse! It's right up there with all the other annoying overused names for animals.
Overused animal names: Baby, Oreo, Blackie, Brownie, Whitey, Tabby, Lucky, Muffin, Patches, Smokey
I like the name Oreo, tho. It's just that everyone who gets a black and white hamster is all, "OMFG, OREO!"
Heh. Victoria's horse is named Perfection. I'm totally getting a horse and naming him Irony.
The Pony Pals don't want to sell Baby Pony to Victoria Winters because she wants to train him and sell him for a lot of money. Uh, yeah, that's some people's JOB. That's so stupid, tho. Once they buy him, they can do whatever they want with him. Suck it up.
Whatever. Ponies are worth way more than $100.
OH NO! A HORSE NAMED FRECKLES! How I despise that name. That's right up there next to Blackie and Brownie.
Wait...Freckles is a horse...YES! HORSES DO EXIST IN "PONY PALS"!
Eve, Freckles' owner, is way annoying. "I would've taken care of my foal if he hadn't died. That's what my foal would've looked like. My foal would've eaten that grass. My foal would've voted Republican, bla bla bla...."
They rub the smell of Freckles' dead colt all over Baby Pony. Um, creepy??
WHAT? They decide to give Baby Pony away and will accept no money. I noticed Mr. Crandal isn't here to oversee this transaction. I bet he'll be mad when he finds out....
I'm sorry, I just really hate the name Lucky for a horse. Especially for a "witty" reason. "His name is Lucky, because I'm so lucky to have him." "His name is Lucky because he's my good luck charm!" "His name is Lucky because he's green like a Care Bear!" "Say whaaaat?"
And you thought Anna's handwriting was bad...Eve's is even worse.
Eve, Lucky, Freckles, and her dad are never heard from again....
Yeah. That was not enjoyable. I'm still waiting on "Circus Pony", but if it doesn't come in 2 days, I'll start reading "Keep Out, Pony" (#12) and "The Girl Who Hated Ponies" (#13). I also have "Pony Sitters" (#14) and "The Blind Pony" (#15), but those are painful to read.
Okay, have to agree with you on one point: certain animals names are overused and NEED to be RETIRED!!! "Oreo" is a special hate case with me. Years ago we had this black pinto pony who was an awesome jumper prospect. He had no patience for dinky little 18 in. schooling jumps; he'd just step over them. Give him something 2 ft 6 in, however, and he was the happiest little thing ever. We called him "Rapidash", which was much easier than trying to say "Rapid Dash", because boy could this pony book it between fences. I also lol-ed at the fact that this happens to also be the name of a pokemon (even though it's not where the name came from). Loved the name (never met a pony with that name before or since), loved the pony, wanted him so bad-and he got sold to some idiot people who re-named him "Oreo". I loathe that name now. If you ever meet a black pinto-especially one ridden by kids-there's at least an 80% chance that horse or pony is called Oreo. There's only been one case where I've considered that name acceptable: on a bay pinto Chincoteague Pony that literally had a single thick white band around her barrel, and not other white body markings. I swear... any pony or horse I get with a stupid name like that is totally getting it changed...
Although-just because I'm too lazy to post again-I remember another post (can't remember for which book) where you cited not liking horses with barn names that are totally different from their show/registered names. I think the example you used was "Like The Wind" aka "Ranger". All I can say to that is that some show names don't translate easily (or appropriately) into barn names. Or they would translate into really sucky barn names so we try to save the animal's (and owner's) dignity by coming up with something better. Perfect example is my friend's pony: "Can't Resist". Cool show name (and appropriate since she's one of those animals who just grows on you no matter what you think of her in the beginning), but what the heck do you call her? Whatever would have been a reasonable barn name went out the window when my friend decided her name should be "Minnie Moo", because like Rapidash she is a black pinto, and my friend thought her markings looked like those of a cow. I thought the joke was cute... for about 5 seconds. Then it was like: ew, one of my favorite animals named after one of my least favorite animals. Well, not my pony to name, but still, whenever I talk about her I call her by her show name, unless my friend or someone who knows her is around. :P
Arrg! Sorry, didn't mean to comment twice. My computer had a seizure and told me it couldn't enter it at all... but then posts it in duplicate. *sigh*
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