Plot: Mr. Sanders forgets that Lulu is an antisocial freak and decides to let his bosses daughter Melissa (or something like that) hang with Lulu and the Pony Pals. FOR A WHOLE WEEKEND. WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION. Okay, not really, but he's basically leaving Lulu and his friend's kid on their own.
Oh no, Melissa doesn't like PONIES!!!! *gasp* She likes makeoevers and beauty parlors and wears dangly earrings, so Lulu writes her off as a jerk and is mean to her.
They all go to Pam's house. Melissa doesn't want to go riding, so the Pony Pals give her the glare of death. They try to introduce her to their ponies, but Melissa seems to be scared of them??? IS IT POSSIBLY BECAUSE OF A TRAUMATIC EVENT WHEN SHE WAS 5???
Finally, they convince Melissa to go riding with them, but she agrees to go only if she can give them all makeovers when they get back. Ew. Not.
Oh no, a blizzard! The Pony Pals get trapped with Melissa in a wooden shelter that magically popped out of the ground. Melissa then admits that she was once trapped in a stall with a horse and has since then been scared out of her pants by horses. Then she apologizes for being such a BRAT. Um, yeah, Pony Pals, don't you think YOU need to give her an apology TOO?
But no. Magically, the snow stops and they can go outside again! Then they are rescued by Mr. Crandal and they all go home.
But Melissa has not forgotten about the makeovers....
At the diner the next morning, Melissa decides that the thing she REALLY wants to do is give the PONIES makeovers. So they do that. And Melissa is in love with Snow White. Because everyone looooooves Snow White. Yeah. That's IT.
More notes:
"We're going to spend the whole weekend riding with our Pony Pals." Don't you do that EVERY weekend?
I thought Mr. Sanders was studying BLACK bears, but he's going to a conference on BROWN bears. And he STILL looks like George Lopez.
Oh, because Lulu likes ponies, and Melissa's parents like ponies, and the Pony Pals like ponies, MELISSA must LOVE ponies.
Lulu is HORRIBLE at making friends, seeing as she only has 2 since moving to Wiggins. Why does Mr. Sanders think this is a good idea?
Melissa is wearing a black skirt (looks like a dress on the cover), lace-up leather boots (combat boots???), and a red jacket...OH, and a beret, which they failed to mention. Who wears berets?
Melissa is wearing dangly earrings. What is the signifigance of dangly earrings? Lulu makes a HUGE deal about it.
Okay, the Princes live in New York City...so they drive down to Conecticut to pick up Mr. Sanders and drop off Melissa...and now they're going to Maine. Yeah, not out of the way at all.
Mr. Sanders' first name is TOM???
OH NO, MELISSA HAS A NEW MANICURE KIT THAT HAS NAIL POLISH AND GOLD SPARKLES! DEMON!!! Seriously, even horse freaks like to look semi-feminine some of the time.
Since when does Grandma Sandy give manicures? My bad, Grandmother Sanders.
They leave Melissa with Grandma Sandy and talk about her behind her back? Such jerks.
We never find out how Lulu's mammy died.
Bad grammar. "Melissa come over here." Where's the comma, eh?
They're confused as to why Melissa hates stepping in horse crap.
They're trying to force Melissa to become a Pony Pal.
Wait, for serious? All Melissa's suitcase holds is a manicure kit, makeup, a nightgown, a "very pretty dress", and a fluffy pink bathrobe. Whaaaaaat?
I swear, brownies and spaghetti are the only things the Pony Pals ever eat.
How did they know Melissa was from New York? It's not MENTIONED for 20 pages.
Melissa hates Snow White, too.
Oh no, it referenced THE CIRCUS. Acorn's not really that talented. He can shake and nod his head and go in a circle.
I wrote a lot when I was little, too!
Horses are beautiful and wonderful. Thank you, Lulu.
Aaargh, poop is a bad word!!! Dang it! SAY POOP! SAY IT!
Melissa: Anna, I think a different hairstyle would make you look older.
Anna: Why would I want to look older?
Well, let's see, you look like you're 5?
"You'll be known as the Pretty Pals instead of the Pony Pals." OMG!! I don't think Melissa meant to insult them, but she TOTALLY DID. Wait...I think she meant to. BOOYA, I love this girl.
Ew, who eats muffins hot?
Heh, manipulation on both sides. Cat fight!
Splash actually looks like an Appaloosa!
Now you know how it feels, Anna. (See #9)
Lulu doesn't have the guts to say, "Snow White behaves a lot better than you do." Honestly, I can't stick up for Melissa any more. She's just as bad as the Pony Pals. I probably would've strangled her by now.
But Melissa isn't stupid, and Lulu's all surprised to see that Splash is really a problem pony. Dummy.
Yeah, yelling during a trail ride. Good idea. Spook the ponies a little.
Melissa just acknowledged Wiggins' lack of pizza places.
Maybe Snow White doesn't like snow because the last time it snowed, she got lost in a blizzard and fell in an icy hole while she had SHINGLES.
See, told you.
Tommy Rand = serial killer. He either finds a dead snake or kills one, but then he wraps it around Pam's neck. Dang. That really sucks. Now she's all phobic of snakes.
Lulu has a Rihanna haircut in one picture.
Whatever. Melissa's encounter with a scary horse isn't that scary to me. If it had been me I would've been so thrilled. Cuz I was a Pony Pal and a freak when I was little.
To pass the time, Melissa teaches them a line dance. How...? No what, never mind.
I'm shocked that Lulu even owns a pair of long underwear. Pam totally looks like Nicole from the basketball team.
The Crandals own their own ranch, a billion ponies, a huge house, their own medical practice, and a snowmobile. They haven't said it, but I think the Crandals are rich.
Wiggins is so much more exciting than boring old New York City! Not.
"Can I bring them a treat?" Shouldn't it be, "Can I take them a treat?"
They want to trim Acorn's whiskers and earhair? You have to do that?
Mmm, delicious, yogurt with bananas and strawberries. Sorry, I'm a picky eater.
Where'd the baseball cap come from? First a beret, now a baseball cap? Confused.
Melissa looks just like Emily Osment in the last picture.
That was dumb, but it didn't anger me as much as it did others. Lulu reminds me of myself sometimes. Ouch. The truth hurts. I'll go cry in a corner.
Tomorrow: The one about Mimi and Tongo (#14) or hopefully "Circus Pony"!
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