Plot: The Pony Pals have a secret hideout. It's just so secretly secret that no one will find it.
While hanging out at the Pony Pal Lodge (their lame name for their secrety secret hideout), they see a campfire left burning in the woods. *gasp* FOREST FIRES! They put it out, and are proud of themselves for saving the whole woods.
This happens repeatedly throughout the book.
After much investigation, the Pony Pals discover it was Tommy and Mike who were starting the fires! *gasp* THAT'S ILLEGAL! (didn't know that little tidbit....) They write Tommy and Mike aa anonymous threatening letter that warns them to never light another fire ever again.
But Tommy and Mike figure out it's them and set their secrety secret hideout on fire.
This has gone a little too far, it seems.
It's raining and the brook is overflowing, but the Pony Pals go looking for their ponies anyways. Anna then sees them on the other side of the river/brook/stream and distracts Tommy and Mike while Lulu and Pam save the day. Pam wants to call the police, but Anna and Lulu convince her this is the wrong way to go. After all, they've only broken two laws and destroyed their property. Jail is not where these boys belong.
So the Pony Pals tattle to the Park Ranger and he sends the boys off with a warning. WTH? Justice is done????????? THEY STOLE YOUR FREAKING PONIES WITH NO INTENTION OF GIVING THEM BACK!
More notes:
Lulu makes Tommy and Mike pee their pants. Heh.
Tommy: When are the pests going to grow up and get real horses?
Mike: They're too afraid of real horses.
Is that supposed to be funny? Oh, and they escape on their bikes doing wheelies. Sooo coool.
And then Anna says, "You're the pests, you gonzos!" *sigh*
Anna draws a map to their hideout. Pony Pal trail isn't on the map? But Tommy and Mike's hideout is? How did the girls know they had a hideout? This will become more confusing in the next few chapters.
The Pony Pals have adventures that are just as exciting as living in Africa.
Lighting campfires is illegal?
The one thing I don't like about Vivien Kubbos is that Anna's drawings take a definite turn for the worse.
Because campers are going to listen to a bunch of little girls.
I don't think Wiggins is home of the state forest, girls.
Just like in book #10, the girls are convinced they saved a million animals. But it's raining, right? Couldn't the rain have put the fire out?
Wait. This hideout is totally on your map. It says there, in black and white, "Tommy and Mike's hideout". HOW COME YOU DON'T KNOW WHOSE HIDEOUT THIS IS IF IT'S ON YOUR MAP???
I totally read this one sentence as, "Tommy loves beer." My bad, he loves ROOT beer.
Even people who know nothing about nature can figure out the difference between a bird and a whistle.
Wait. If you're going to describe useless things with utmost detail, you could at least tell me what kind of juice the Pony Pals are drinking.
Yes, it will be easy to scare Tommy and Mike into not lightning fires. Because you're all ten and you're just so scary.
Pam thinks they should report them to the park ranger. But the others don't want to do that because Mike is poor. So being poor justifies a life of crime? How come whenever Pam has a good idea, it is discouraged?
They decide to write an anonymous letter that sounds like an adult. And it sounds semi-believable up until the end:
Sincerely yours,
Someone who is watching you!!!
Your hideout is a mess.
No self-respecting adult would write a letter like that.
More talk about Mike being poor and can't afford a big allowance. He has to call his mom "Ma" or "Ma'am".
I think Mike will figure out the note was written by a couple of kids.
They set Anna's drawings on fire and write the Pony Pals a threatening message. Yeah. Not creepy. Let's NOT tell our parents.
How mature:
Pony Pests.
Mind your own business if you know what's good for you. It's a free country. We were here first. Go away. Find another place to play with your little ponies.
Wth? They take their PONIES?
I just really wanted Snow White to get hurt or something. Hate her.
Tommy is wearing a red jacket. I thought he was rich? Why is he wearing a red cotton jacket?
Tommy and Mike's idea of fun is making fun of people. All right, I have a confession to make....
I think she's serious about having you guys arrested....
Anna is honing her acting skills.
Awww, Acorn crosses a brook to be with Anna.
Psh. They just got ambushed by Pony Pals.
And now they're letting the boys die in the woods. Ah, yes.
AAAAAGH, lame. They want to give them another CHANCE. COME ON.
Acorn attacks Tommy.
The main reason for the stealing and threatening was the fact that the Pony Pals had infiltrated the boys' clubhouse thingy. WTH? That's like killing someone for cutting you in line.
Oh, it turns out Tommy is the brains of this operation. Mike is just an innocent bystander.
WHY ARE THEY STOPPING PAM FROM TALKING TO THE RANGER!!!???? Lulu and Anna want to give them another chance. AND THEY USE THE "TWO-AGAINST-ONE" THINGY!!! AAAAAAGH! Forget them, Pam.
Ponies come before turning in criminals. *shakes head*
They feel bad for Mike. Then turn in Tommy, if you must, but you can't seriously tolerate this kind of ridiculousness.
Pam just admitted she's biased against Tommy. Great. This will help their case.
Wait, what??? Now MIKE'S wearing the red jacket??? Did they switch clothes or something?
Lol, Mike and Tommy look like kids from the 50's. "How are we going to get home, Tom?" "Shut up, Dick!"
Mike is afraid of freezing to death more so than jail.
You can't honestly think they're going to apologize. Aagh.
Surprise, surprise. They don't want your help. And they don't apologize.
Jack Stranton = coolest name ever.
The boys get caught doing the campfire thing. OMG!!! TOMMY BLAMES MIKE!!! Little toaster.
The Pony Pals leave without telling them the way home? Justice is done? What about the police??? HIGH CRIME! HIGH CRIME!!
Ugh. Next one I'll do is the one about sacrifice and horse shows. :P
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