Plot: Pam is so frustrated with her dog, Woolie. He keeps chasing Lightning and being mischievous (pronounced MISS-chuh-vuss), so she loses her temper and scolds him. On their trail ride, the Pony Pals question her methods, and Pam feels the need to apologize to Woolie.
But she can't.
Because he's GONE.
It seems Woolie has run away. Pam is heartbroken, pulling a Lulu and moaning about how it's all her fault. Lulu, on the other hand, keeps a cool head, and organizes a rescue mission to save/help/find Woolie. It's an odd case of role reversal, folks.
After much searching, Woolie is still nowhere to be found. The Pony Pals enlist the help of Ms. Wiggins and Mike Lacey. The 5 of them split up and search Ms. Wiggins' property. Hark! What's that? A bark? Lightning finds Woolie behind a bush...WITH HIS LEG CAUGHT IN A TRAP!!!! Way to copy #10. As Pam is hyperventilating, Mike appears and saves the day, removing the trap from Woolie's leg. Woolie is good as new and he and Pam make up. BFFs forever. And it turns out Mike has a soul.
More notes:
Aaaargh. "Black and brown" and "reddish brown" do not suffice as pony descriptions. I want breed, height, color, and markings.
How come Jack and Jill are 5 again? Did they go back in time?? They were 6 a few books ago.
Agh, a whole paragraph of choppy writing and repetition.
Oh no, Jack and Jill are convinced they've found Bambi. There's 20 whole pages on how they find an "abandoned" fawn and want to take care of it, but have to release it back into the wild. So boring.
Paul's first drawing is a failure. This is one OBESE fawn, and Woolie looks like a combination Seelyham Terrier and chubby Golden Retriever. When I say "sheepdog", I mean SHEEPDOG!
Oh look, it's Anna riding on some pony! OH! IT'S ACORN! And who's that rider on Snow White? COULD IT BE LULU??? Like we don't know who rides who already.
Lulu: Oh, my. This is a very young fawn.
Way to sound like a grandma, Lulu.
BAM, Lulu shocks the twins with her nature knowledge. Does leave their fawns alone in the forest all the time! DUH! Actually, I didn't know that.
Anna makes fun of Jack. Heh.
Aaagh, Jill is SO ANNOYING. "He's mine. I'm supposed to take care of him. I already love him." And not one exclamation point in that emotional statement.
WHY CAN'T THEY SAY FOAL?? It's always "baby pony", "baby pony", "baby pony".
Ugh, Paul's second drawing makes Pam look like Michael Jackson, Jill like an Oompaloompa, and the fawn like a legless sack of bread with a deer head sticking out of it. I take back what I said about good illustrations.
Lol. "Pam had a big painting of Lightning hanging in her bedroom. It was an Anna Harley original." That just cracked me up for some reason.
If Anna ever mentions those brownies again....
And Paul's pony drawings STILL look like crap.
Wth? Now Woolie looks like an Airdale?
They call Lightning a boy. *crickets*
Oh no, someone is trapping on her land again! Gee, it couldn't be TOMMY, could it? Oh no, it couldn't be, because he got a WARNING.
Mrs. Bell is an idiot. "Gee, I let Woolie out a few hours ago and he hasn't returned. I guess he REALLY had to go!"
Ah yes, the Pony Pals are going out on another adventure without telling their parents. Oh, excuse me, Pam leaves a note.
Yes, Pam, it might be dead, but it wouldn't be your fault; it's stupid Mrs. Bell's.
I'm sure EVERYONE knows what a dog's pawprint looks like. HOW DO YOU MIX THAT UP WITH A RACCOON PAWPRINT???
You weren't mean, Pam. There's a fine line between discipline and abuse.
And Woolie wouldn't be mad at you, because he's a sweet, forgiving dog. (Said Lulu.)
Lightning is a girl again. Wow, two sex changes in one day.
Dang, Lulu gives some good pep talks.
Pam keeps moaning and moaning.
Yeah, I'm sure those posters will be effective.
Missing Dog. Medium sized dog. Golden color. Red collar with I.D. If found, please call 555-4362.
I'm totally calling that number. But they had Anna DRAW a picture instead of putting a photograph. Wha?? And wouldn't it be better to put BREED, and his NAME??? Just wondering.
Yay, the Quinns have returned! You remember those delightful old people from #18, don't you?
Pam is convinced everyone is in love with Pony Pals.
Lol, Pam repeats herself. "Have you seen a small blond sheepdog in the last 24 hours? He has fluffy blond hair and a red collar." I thought he was medium sized.
Oh, the dog Mrs. Quinn saw isn't Woolie because he didn't have a collar. I mean, forget the fact that he acts JUST LIKE Woolie and looks JUST LIKE Woolie. There's no way that collar could've come off.
Lol, Paul makes the Quinns look just like my grandparents.
Lulu = way short.
Apparently Pam goes around kissing people's kittens.
A small tuft of hair could easily be mistaken for a bunny.
The little boy in the picture looks like a little girl. And he has a boy named DOGGIE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.
Pam makes a little rap. It's kind of funny.
I'm probaby wrong, but I was pretty sure they'd already look on Ms. Wiggins' land.
"We need more people to help search for Woolie." Isn't that why you put up posters?
"Mike Lacey and Tommy Rand were older than the Pony Pals, but acted very immature." Duh, boys mature slower than girls. But then again, when are boys ever mature?
I don't know, Mike's semi-all right and all, but Ms. Wiggins is way too trusting. "Remember when Mike and Tommy set up traps on your land and stole our ponies that one time?" "Oh, but Mike would NEVER do something like that!!"
Oh wait, her exact words are, "But Mike is a different boy when he works for me. You'll see." Btw, Mike's job: What exactly does he do??
Lulu: He better behave. Or else.
Yeah, you're like 4'9" and you're in 4th grade. And you're a girl. Not much you can do.
Mike apologizes for calling the Pony Pals "Pony Pests"?
A really good accurate picture of Lightning that actually makes her look like a pony and not a donkey??
Yeah, Woolie's leg is caught in a trap, so I doubt his growling has anything to do with you.
Of course, Pam blames him for the traps. Not prejudiced.
Wait, Woolie was in a trap for 24 hours, and his leg isn't broken??? And he hasn't died of dehydration??
The last picture is really good...except for Woolie. But hey. He's getting better.
The Pony Pals tend to repeat themselves. "Thank you. Thank you for helping me find Woolie!"
Agh. I hate that Woolie.
I also hate the library, so I don't know how soon I'm getting any Pony Pals, Madison Finn, Unicorns of Balinor, or Avalon books. I do have Pony Pals #28, so I'll probably do that sometime this week.