Plot: Madison is depressed (again). It's her first Thanksgiving since her parents divorced and her parents are fighting, both wanting her to spend Thanksgiving with them. Not only that (you knew there was more coming), but there's a special Thanksgiving extra-credit project she has to finish, only Egg is her partner and he's being unreliable - AS USUAL. To calm her nerves, she's taken a volunteer job at the Far Hills Animal Shelter, where Dan Ginsburg works. Remember Dan? He played the Cowardly Lion in the Wiz, and everyone calls him Porko?
Bla bla bla, drama and rumors. Egg is still being a jerk, Madison has to choose between Mom and Dad, Phinnie is acting weird, and IVY STARTS A HORRIBLE RUMOR THAT SHE AND DAN ARE DATING!!! OH NO!!! Thank goodness she has Sugar, a lovable Schnoodle she met at the Animal Shelter.
Finally, everything in Madison's life is back on track. When Dad decides to go to Texas with Stephanie for the holidays, Madison chooses to stay with Mom. She and Dan stay friends despite Ivy's cruelty. Egg and Madison get an A on their social studies project and Ivy doesn't. But Sugar has been adopted!!! Madison is superbummed (her word, not mine) until she realizes she has Phinnie. She literally runs home and apologizes. No lie. Then her Thanksgiving is a success. Hurray.
More notes:
How is it that Madison's Dad isn't Canadian but her uncle is?
I hate Thanksgiving, too, Madison.
LOL! She blames her bad luck on a black cat. "I knew everything would be ruined when I saw a black cat yesterday."
Aimee: *wearing a new parka* Whaddya think? I ordered it online from Boop-Dee-Doop. Well, my mother did. We ordered it on her credit card. My first Internet purchase ever.
Madison: It's nice. But in case you hadn't noticed, Aimee, it's like fifty degrees outside.
Wth??? 50 DEGREES IS COLD!!!!! At least it is in Washington. Isn't that cold in New York, too?
I really wish I had sea monkeys. No clue why. Lol, that's what I want for Christmas. SEA MONKEYS! She had a cat named Ick? Since when? Didn't she say something about her dad hating cats?
So begins Dan's crush on Madison. Psyche. I just ruined future books for you. Dan is apparently the Fat Kid. Wth, that doesn't mean you get to call him Pork-O to his face.
Aaah, he calls his Mom "Ma" like Mike Lacey (see Pony Pals series).
Turkey Trot. Heh. That's funny.
I HATE POWERPOINT! But doesn't everyone know how to do a powerpoint by the time they're in like, what, 4th grade? Omg, that totally reminds me of last year when I partnered with Kenny in history and HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO DO A POWERPOINT!!
Wait, if Ben Buckley's a nerd, why doesn't he want to do extra-credit?? Man, that was such a good powerpoint. Only we got graded down. Thanks, Kenny.
"Poor Freddie. Wounded in a cat fight. He's under a little medication. That's why his eyes are all glassy and he's so talkative. We'll keep him sedated for a day or two until he has a chance to start healing." I didn't know she was talking about a cat at first.
Laaaaaaame. Drew named a dog Pepper (wait for it)....BECAUSE SHE MADE HIM SNEEZE! HAAAAAAHAAAAHAAA!!
Madison totally starts singing that song from Veggietales. "Puppies are cuddly, puppies are cute, they're never nasty or mean. I'd give a home to all the lost puppies if ever a day I were queen."
Fiona, Fiona, Fiona....
What the heck, all Madison does is talk about Hart's beautiful hair in this book.
Hm, their password is falcon. What a coincidence....
Schnoodle? Part schnauzer, part poodle. STILL!!!
Ew. They name it SUGAR. I despise that name. It was the name of my little brother's bear, and it's my least favorite type of donut.
Madison: Hello, Sugar. Schnoodle-oodleeee-oh."
Dan: WHO are you talking to?
I don't know what I'm more disturbed by: Madison's odd song, or Dan suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
Dan: You were in pretty bad shape before, but now you're one hot dog.
At first I thought he was talking to Madison.
"House of Finn! Finn land!" Man. I wish I had a cool name like that.
Madison and Egg are so Elvin and Sandra.
Bigwheels: Whatever happened to your crush? Write back soon. I'm waiting.
Yeah, what happened to Hart? And why isn't he mentioned?
Dan is creepier than Stalker Drew.
They go out on a little ice cream date. Dan drops his ice cream. "Aw, no! Good-bye, chocolate chips!"
Wait. Madison said in one book she didn't speak Spanish because she was in French 1, but forever after they have said she was in Spanish class. Whatever.
What is Ivy doing at Drew's houes? Innuendo??
Fiona complains that Aimee and Madison are too hard on Egg. Shut up, Fiona.
Smooth, Hart. "Hey, Finnster. What's the deal??"
Dan = so clueless.
Egg: Ivy Daly is a dork. Don't worry about it. No one ever believes her, anyway.
She's not a dork. You think she's HOTTT.
Lol. "Drat! Drat!"
What kind of response is this?
Ivy: Looks like someone has a problem.
Madison: Looks like you're the one with problem, Ivy.
Wth? What does that even mean?
Yay! They get a gold star!
Lol. Ivy's presentation sucks.
Dan and Hart dress as turkeys and do the "Turkey Pokey". .... If Madison and Egg are Sandra and Elvin, they are so Theo and Cockroach. COCKROACH'S REAL NAME IS WALTER!!! Coincidence? I think not.
Wth? Since when are there wild turkeys running around New York?
Wow. Drew has a half brother and Dan's dad died. A long way into the series, Ivy's mom gets breast cancer. Ouch. This is killing me.
Aaaaagh. Mr. Wollensky, the Russian volunteer, asks her if she still feels Sugar IN HER HEART. What is this, Carebears?
Yes, Madison. You have a pug.
Madison's Computer Tip: Double-check any information you might get online, because not all Web Sites have accurate facts.
Amen to that. Okay, next up we have "Movie Star Pony", since "Lonely Pony" is not in yet.
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