Aaargh, this one made me angry on Pam's behalf. on. Seriously, Pam would be a much nicer and independent person if she weren't friends with Lulu and Anna. She and Rema should hang out.

Plot: Pam wants to buy a new saddle for Lightning, so she gets a job training two new ponies for her mother. Splash is a feisty lil toaster, but Goldie is lazy and shy. However, training the ponies takes up most of Pam's free time, which angers Lulu and Anna.
One day, after a disastrous trail ride with Goldie, the Pony Pals revolt against Pam and tell her to bring back Lightning, because she's ignoring Lightning and making trail riding not fun. Hello, you could go WITHOUT Pam. And they also complain that now they can't do what THEY want to do. Suck it up. Friendship requires sacrifice. It's so obvious that the others are just JEALOUS, and Pam tells them that. But they deny it and start throwing rocks at her, so she goes home.
But when she goes to tack up Lightning and take her riding, Lightning is not herself. She's acting mean and ornery (what else is new?). Pam is convinced that Lightning is angry at her for ignoring her, so she breaks down crying and begs for forgiveness. No luck. The Pony Pals come and try to get Lightning to calm down. Lightning tries to kick them.
Suddenly, Fat Cat (the Crandall's new cat) comes in and, LO AND BEHOLD! She had her kittens in Lightning's stall! Lightning was just PROTECTING THEM. She's not angry at all! So all is well, and Pam asks the Pony Pals to help her with her job. They agree (not because they're good friends; they just want to get paid), but then Pam's mom fires her. Sort of. But Pam no longer has a job. But she's okay with that! Yay! Pony Pals powers activate! In the form of...a loser.
More notes:
Pam is really pretty in this book.
Since when does Mr. Olson sell saddles? Doesn't he specialize in horse/ponies?
Lulu: Daisy's a true palomino color.
If I were Pam, I'd rather work than hang with the Pony Pals. They were going to look for old houses. How fun.
All horses snort. All ponies snort. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR STUPID PONY!!!
I kind of feel for Lightning. If I'd been about to go out with my friends, and Nathan suddenly decided for both of us that we shouldn't go (that's the closest thing I can think of to a rider/pony relationship. Also: if William didn't want to, so that meant I couldn't. :P), I would KILL HIM.
Woolie reminds me of Happy from "7th Heaven". Aaaargh.
I don't think many kindergardners use the word "artist".
Heh. Pam's mom called her dumb.
Splash is way cute on the cover, but he looks more paint than Appaloosa. In the book, he looks way palomino/donkey. Also, I don't think there's such a thing as an Appaloosa pony....
"But when Pam was doing a posting trot...." You could just say, "But when Pam was posting...."
Jezebel and No Tail? What horrible names for cats.
Ouch. Pam's mom is cruel.
Wow. This is sounding way Star Wars fanfic-y. "I have to. It's my JOB." Replace it with destiny and you wouldn't know the difference.
They think Fat Cat is a boy at first. They're ten. They should know what makes boys and girls different.
Dr. Crandall doesn't call Pam dumb. He's too nice.
"The Pony Pals watched Acorn and Lightning trot toward the big maple tree. Snow White followed at a slower pace. When the faster ponies reached the tree, they turned around and went back to get Snow White.
'They're great friends,' Anna remarked. 'Just like us.'"
That little pony exchange could represent the friendship: Anna and Pam are smart and a little stupid, and Lulu's kind of slow and just tags along behind.
Anna is acting way 5-year-old.
Heh. Pam is so awesome in this book. Until they break her. Just like in #3....
Ugh, Pony Pals = so emotionally manipulative....
"I wish you could come with us tomorrow, Pam."
"I thought being Pony Pals meant we rode together."
Lulu rides by herself all the time. And Anna rode away on her pony without telling the others. Hypocritical much?
I think Pam just said, "Screw you."
"We'll do a dig. Like archaeologists." I would die in this town.
LOL. Picture on page 35: Lulu and Anna are shocked that Splash is trying to race, and Pam looks like she's laughing her head off.
Lulu: This is a bad idea. It's dangerous for us to ride with Splash.
It's probably not good training, but you could just let Splash LEAD.
Pam has a barn piggy bank. At least she's learning about money. And she has a goal in mind.
Picture: Pam is all, "What?" and the others are all *glare of death*.
Anna: Why didn't you tell us you were riding Daisy today?
Lulu: Lightning must hate you.
:O What's wrong with them??? Pam should've carried this on long after the whole "fight" was over. "Anna, you didn't tell me you were wearing that shirt today. Ho."
Lulu: I just hate it when we plan something and then can't do it.
You could've gone there with Anna every day last week. But you're such a dependent loser that you can't think for yourself.
Aaaargh, and Anna's all, "It's like you're not even a Pony Pal anymore!" Why, because she has a job, she's more mature than y'all, and she wants to help her parents? Yeah, I would say she's sort of growing out of the Pony Pals....
"You keep doing things without telling us. Like bringing these other ponies on rides." Part of their whole argument was that Acorn and Snow White missed Lightning. I honestly don't think your ponies care that much. Besides, Acorn and Snow White need some alone that they can make that beautiful Shetland/Welsh baby I keep imagining.
Pam: I have a JOB. I can't play all the time like you.
Lulu: Pam, you're working too hard. You never just have fun anymore.
Uh, yeah, she has fun training ponies. WITHOUT YOU GUYS.
Pam: You guys are just jealous that I have a job and you don't.
Lulu: That's ridiculous. I am not jealous.
Anna: Me either. (Who asked you?) Who'd want to turn into a grump like you?
A grump with money? I'd willing get a job.
Pam: I'm not a grump. You guys are grumps. You're the ones who are complaining all the time. You're the ones who are being selfish and mean!
OOOOOOOOOOH! PWNED!!! That was seriously amazing! And all of it was true. Seriously, Lulu and Anna, grow up.
To ease her rage, Lulu starts throwing rocks into the river. Yeah.
"Now you can go play in that stupid old house." See!? I'm not the only one who thinks their games are stupid.
They're right about one thing. Daisy is really slow.
Oh no! Don't reminisce! You'll just miss them and think you're wrong! DON'T DO IT!
It does NOT feel special and wonderful to be a Pony Pal. If you like feeling immature and POOR, it's great.
She blames Lulu and Anna, still. Good girl. Lol, she's going all Sith on me.
Ew, Lightning's "angry face" makes her look like a donkey. And Pam's first thought is, "Oh no, she's jealous!"
If only Anna and Lulu hadn't ruined the Pony Pals.... Says Pam in her head. Ha. Great way to be desperate and angry at the same time.
Lulu and Anna say they're sorry, but don't admit they did anything wrong. I think they only said that so Pam would apologize. Jerks.
Lightning tries to kick Pam. Aim for Anna next time.
Random note: I always thought Lightning was the prettiest pony. But she was so moody all the time.
"Maybe there's a poisonous snake in the stall and she doesn't want us to get bitten." Yeah. Great idea. NOT. Lightning would be dead by now. And snakes can MOVE. And I heard they love little girls.
Anna has a thing for cats....
Oh. Lightning was protecting kittens. Sure. Could happen. It happened in "Black Beauty". I think. Only with puppies.
Fat Cat looks like what the Governator would look like if he were a cat.
Mrs. Crandall acts like everything is Pam's fault. Jeez. Now we know why she has such huge control issues.
Anna and Lulu didn't think Pam actually had to work. It's a job, you morons. I can't believe these idiots.
Now Pam wants to give up her job so she can be with her friends. DON'T DO IT, get some new friends, these ones are NOT worth your time.
WHY is Pam offering them this job? Doesn't she realize that her mom will pay her less now because she's paying Lulu and Anna, too? I know money isn't everything, but really. Saddle...or the Pony Pals? Hmm.... I don't even like tack and it's saddle every time.
Lulu: I don't know how to train a pony!
You don't know anything, Lulu.
Anna's mom is still "famous" for her brownies. And she gives the broken ones to the Pony Pals. How do you break a brownie? Confused.
Lulu can't seem to write in complete sentences. And Anna's drawing is actually good.
They mention Fat Cat has a kitten under her leg. What? Is she sitting on it or something? That's not very good parenting skills. Someone should call PETA.
Aaaagh, feminism in the form of cats. "She's a hard working mother AND a mouse chaser."
Mrs. Crandall basically fires Pam. Ouch.
Pam is totally okay with not buying her saddle. Because she'd rather be a Pony Pal with her old saddle. YAY! Why would buying a new saddle change that? Weird.
Yeah. If you couldn't tell, I REALLY hated that one. It was ridiculous. Maybe because I'm the type of person who thinks I'm always right. Probably. But for reals. That's some crazy manipulation. And it makes me mad. Reading #7. I hate that one, too. Arrivederci.
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