Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So it ends

I've decided to stop posting on this blog.
Mostly because I haven't posted in a long time, and I found posting itself was getting tiresome.
Then, reading through some of the very first Pony Pals posts, it wasn't very funny. It was just lame, loud, and sort of crude, and the writer sounded like she took herself way seriously. I bet other people feel the same way.
By the way, not many people read this blog, so I wouldn't be letting down too many people by retiring.
Finally. Now I can just finish the Madison Finn series without marking every little page with a ripped up piece of sticky note and damaging the book's spine.
If any of you DO care, I will tell you what happens in the final 4 books in the series: #21, #22, Super Special #2, and Super Special #3.
If not, I'll keep to myself.

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