Plot: Kara is rather frustrated with Adriane and Emily. First of all, they have magic gems and she doesn't. Also, they expect her to WORK when all she wants to do is party with her friends.
Mostly, Adriane is overreacting about EVERYTHING, Kara is being kind of ditzy, and Emily is just being annoying and peacemaker-y.
Then weird things start happening to Kara! Banshees (tortured souls cursed to wander the Shadowlands, of course) start attacking her, she's being followed around by the mysterious cat from book #1 [who is named Lyra], and she finally has her own magic jewel! It looks just like a unicorn horn. However, Emily and Adriane freak out and tell her not to use it.
Naturally, Kara doesn't listen.
Whenever she uses the jewel, chaos ensues. The magical little piece of shiny rock attracts all kinds of creatures, from adorable little dragonflies (literally miniature dragons that fly) and...*gasp* BANSHEES! One attacks Kara in her house and tries to take the jewel, but she pwns it, burning off part of her hair in the process. She tries to fix it, and it grows longer, but then it doesn't STOP! She calls Emily and Adriane, and Adriane screws it up even more; though she gets it to stop growing, Kara's blonde hair is now rainbow-colored.
Kara goes to school the next day and is shocked when the principal starts talking about the work she's done at Ravenswood Wildlife Preserve, and is then forced on stage, where her shocking hair color(s) is (are?) revealed. Emily saves her and says it's a symbol of unity or something. Kara realizes she really likes working at the Preserve and starts treating Emily and Adriane (even though Adriane's a loser) nicer, and gets her loser friends to stop making fun of them.
On Saturday, she takes a little trip to the mall to get her hair dyed to its natural color when she's attacked by some more banshees. Lyra saves her, but then gets injured by being stupid. Kara is majorly confused and kind of sad when a unicorn just randomly walks up to her and tells her he can save Lyra. Um...yay?
First stop...a magicalish place, where Kara meets some wraiths who tell her to save their sisters and convince her that the unicorn jewel is not hers to keep.
They go to a field, where they meet up with Adriane and Emily...big surprise. A creepy old woman tries to get Kara to give her the jewel, monologuing about the love of power and crap like that, but Kara gives it to the banshees, who are really some whacked-out ugly wraiths. Old creepy woman disappears with a snarl.
Um, yay.
And Emily saves Lyra after a major pep talk from Kara.
So Kara becomes a better person. The end.
Oh, and they set up the Ravenswood website.
And the epilogue was about mistwolves. Tartar sauce. I guess that means the next book is about Adriane.
You know, I took that character quiz again, and I'm still a warrior. Darn.
More notes:
Oookay, apparently Kara has enough clothes to cover every available surface and fill her closet. NOT STEREOTYPED AT ALL.
credhed, beachbunny, and goodgollymolly? Try worst screennames ever.
Duh! Your outfit for seventh grade is WAY more important than endangered animals!
Ugh, Kara's friends suck. They're so mean.
Okay, I take back what I said about her friends' screennames, because Emily's is docdolittle. :P
Yay, Kara's actually good at school! We're breaking down barriers!
I hate it in books where the main character screams and then looks around to see who did it. HOW CAN YOU NOT REALIZE YOU'RE SCREAMING??
"That was, like, so weird!" Thanks, Heather.
"Been a rough morning. Kara had like a major freakout in homeroom." Don't you love it when your friends talk about you...in front of you?
I'm having a REALLY hard time picturing this cute Marcus guy that Kara likes. I'm switching back and forth between Penn Badgley and Garrett Hedlund.
"Next thing you know, monsters are gonna be falling out of the sky!"
Funny you should mention that....
This is the moment Lyra chooses to fall out of the sky.
Okay, Lyra was the size of an ocelot in the first book. Now she's the size of a leopard, which is significantly bigger than an ocelot. How did it get so big??
I somehow don't picture Adriane very tall. I picture her and Emily quite short. Like 5'3". And Kara maybe 5'5" or 5'6".
Red and auburn aren't necessarily the same color. STOP CONFUSING ME!!
Adriane only says she likes being a loner because she knows she's incapable of making friends.
Lyra: *pops out of bushes* Rawr.
Kara: Aaah!
They make it seem like Kara is the ringleader of her little clique, but her friends are way pushy.
I highly doubt you are the only three girls on Earth that know that magic is real, Kara.
I hate when they describe Adriane using magic. They try to make it sound all cool and it sounds so retarded, and she obviously takes herself so seriously. All it is is her taking a karate stance and spinning around.
Oooh, Adriane called Kara a "Barbie". :O Whatever, that would pretty much be a compliment. I mean, I'd love to have a ridiculously thin waist, a tight butt, and nice boobs. Plus "immaculate" hair (that's for you, Lucy Daniels).
Kara thinks it's weird talking to a ferret, and then she remembers Ozzie is really an ELF trapped inside a ferret's body! Yeah, cuz that's not weird at all.
Kara: Why does that garden have an X on it?
Adriane: It's the hedge maze. Gran said you can get lost in there for days, so it's off-limits for tours.
Hmm, could that possibly be FORESHADOWING of someone getting lost in the maze???
Kara offers to have her friends help with the website and Adriane's like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They're loudmouths!" And you're a ho....
Why is Kara shocked that Adriane doesn't consider her a friend? That seemed PRETTY obvious.
"She imagined medieval torches encircling the magnificent garden...with the rocking sounds of Sampleton Malls blasting from the stage! She giggled. And Kara, the princess of the ball, in the most rad leather-and-silk gown, dancing the night away with the most handsome prince. Adriane can stay home and be the wicked stepsister, she thought with a laugh as she twirled into the rose gardens."
Proof that all girls have a Cinderella fantasy. No lie, EVERY GIRL has one.
Lame. She gets lost in the hedge maze a mere 5 pages later. It could have been a final showdown in the maze!!! But no...waste all that good foreshadowing.
Lol. Kara pictures herself:
Lustrous blond hair, creamy skin, dewy red lips - no, she'd sowrn off lip gloss long ago, make that pale pink lips.
Quick! A new pair of Nikes with shock soles!
Kara's first attempt at magic:
"Think! Do what Adriane did. Kara concentrated - left, right, arms together, swing tight.... She pinwheeled her arms, whipping the crystal shell around, and landed on one knee, jewel pointed toward the monster. Tiny sparkles fizzled from the tip...and died. Kara frowned. That cheer routine killed at the home game."
I haaate Ozzie. Storm is annoying about honor and crap like that, but Ozzie is SOOOOOO annoying.
Balthazar (the magical winged pony): It looked like a banshee.
Kara: A what?
Balthazar: A tortured soul doomed to wander the Shadowlands. [I bet he could hardly keep himself from saying, "Duh."]
Adriane: Thank goodness you were there! We can't have monsters running around the preserve washing clothes!
HAHAHAHA they find Mr. Gardener's computer and a voice says, "Welcome to the magic web." Lol. You've got mail.
Mr. Gardener owns Ravenswood, but disappeared a while back.
"Girls, it's got rhythm, and I have got the moves!" But you're white....
:O Kara went to the LIBRARY!!?? Shocking. "Hmm, geeky influence, with a touch of dweeb."
Okay, everything Kara's friends say endz with a z. I guezz that makez it glitter fabulouz.
Joey has a huge crush on Adriane, lol.
This is the lamest party ever, Kara. All you guys are doing is eating...and eating.
Kara's brother is an idiot. "Kara, your ice cream's getting cold!"
Wait, Kara has a tan? I thought she had creamy skin.
Whoa, a banshee ambushes her in the Jacuzzi!
I'm picturing Kara naked during the fight scene that follows. Not for any pervy reason, but it said something about her stripping, so what am I supposed to do?
Kara: What happened to it?
Lyra: Something frightened the creature.
Kara: What? Me?
I don't know, a naked blonde girl wielding a shiny jewel is pretty frightening....
Wait, Emily and Adriane are there now. Is Kara naked or not??? SO CONFUSED!!
Awww. The dragonflies have names! I forget which color corresponds to which dragonfly, but their names are Goldie, Barney, Rocky, Fiona, and Fred; Fiona is red and Goldie is...yellow.
Adriane, shut up and stop making hair puns.
Jealous, I want rainbow hair. I don't know why Kara hates it so much.
I want a blue plaid jacket...but I wouldn't wear it with a pink cotton beret.
Dragonflies appear with a pop. Goldie appears and Kara pretends she farted. ....
You can't send someone home for having cool hair. Dressing like a slut, yes. Having cool hair, no. At least not at my school.
Coalition. Nice word, Emily.
Kyle: Who'd a thunk under all that black is a fasion designer!
Adriane: I'm not big on fashion.
Heather: That's for sure.
I like how all the punk bands have stupid names. Like Toad Force! or Smash Fish!
Awww, Joey and Adriane bond over Smash Fish. And Adriane BLUSHES. Whaaat, she likes boys??
Aaaah, someone sends Kara a magic computer message: I KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
Kara: How do you know when a jewel is really for you?
Adriane: Our jewels changed as we used them. It's like they reflect a part of who we are. You just know, Kara.
Emily: In your heart.
Ozzie is so mean! "Maybe it's a test. Maybe you're not the blazing star."
Having a super hard time picturing this pure white unicorn without him looking like a unipony.
Lyra is being attacked by mall security guards!! Oh, she has wings all of a sudden, how convenient.
Oooh, she falls to the ground.
Why do all magical creatures speak in italics??
The wraiths sound like wannabe LOTR elves...only green.
The banshees use z's instead of s's, too. "Plesszze, help uszz."
Ozzie: Look what they've made!
Adriane: It looks like a-
Emily: -dreamcatcher!
Ugh, just like Stephen King. And now they'll save a kid with Downs Syndrome from bullies and realize that he is the dreamcatcher weaving them all together.
Whaaaaat? The unicorn has a harem??
"You have freed my maidens, and I am forever grateful."
Maybe he's a pimp.
Kara's friends are still lame.
I think Adriane has the coolest chain for her jewel...it's turquoise.
Their password for the secret website is AVALON. Yeah, people won't be able to figure THAT one out.
I HAAAATE mistwolves.
So I'll be doing the second book in the Horseshoe Trilogies, and I might be able to do more than one per day, since I'm on Christmas break!!! But Avalon #3 will be about Adriane. Laaaame.
What exactly annoys you so much about Adriane?
i love the books they are so cool. but kara is sooooooooooo snobby
zoowhaever ditto till book 12 shes finaly ok (i know it sounds weired but its no joke)
quote:ahh there perfact, wha she likes boys?
errrrr how dare u insult her like that, & zack zack zack zack!ROAR! i shall break your face! then the healing star my bff grabs me by the shirt & yanks me back. i yelp & land on my face 7 get up snarling. "now is not the time 4 this" she says & i say "fine" & then yowl & wailk over 2 her side. "so how about the blah blah balh & we talk & go away.
my thoughts
adriane: yeah hit her in the
kara: humf
me: this is what claw files r 4
quote: i hate mist wolves
me: errr
the healing star: ohh thats it
my warrior freind: errrrr ahh no more mr.nice bubbley magic
my bff emily: ohh no violence respect oppinions ohh whats the use
our thougts
blazing healer: my bfs a where mist wolf
the blazing warrior, also known as me: oh you crossed the line
maddie: ive never read the books but my 1st bonded is a mistwolf
i shall ban u from my book coments but will not block u cause i want oppinions, even raceist ones mr.fuzzy rocks im out, but im watching u...........
other me: *****
kara me: try all the preitty pink answers hehehe
well if i ever want exstreem powers or my heart stops ill check out your other blogs
ps:dont make me hate kara i all ready see her enough in my head while half likeing the new her i dont want to blow up stuff & dont want me too either cause i hold a grudge............
also book 9 is my fave so ha & i almost destroied my poodle PRETENDING it was u so i must leave 4 the safty of the world ok so the blazing stars of the world so long sukers & WATCH YOUR BACK ok fine i dont want to know were u live so dont tell me, i dont want 2 b a murderer so i will leave bye
me: sarcastic roar
U: eeeeeeee ahhhhhhhh
me: im tired so all those insults i had will just be a punch in the face instead then im out, lucky you, oh & theres an angy mob outside of adriane fans with torches. so there coming in after this, i might have given the location away on my blog, ooopsies.& adrianes magic sceens, are awsome u *****, a hehehe. ah bye.
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