Plot: Madison, Aimee, and Fiona are chilling in Fiona's bedroom listening to the radio when they get the chance to win Nikki concert tickets and backstage passes!! Nikki is apparently the Madison Finn version of Britney Spears (before K-Fed and sluttiness), so the girls call in...AND WIN!!
Only Fiona's mom won't let them go. Bummer!
So the girls are sad, until they realize all they need is a mature chaperone. They start looking for one immediately.
Back at school, there's a new girl named Carmen who's very pretty and makes Madison feel like dirt and seems to be seducing Hart!!! Owned.
Also, Aimee is acting very weird...as in moody and sensitive about body image. Madison and Fiona think she has anorexia, but no one takes them seriously - not even Aimee's mom!!
Luckily, the girls manage to land Roger Gillespie, Aimee's creepy older brother, as a chaperone.
Oh no, Aimee faints due to lack of food!!! She has to go to the hospital!! Turns out Madison and Fiona were right after all! However, Roger is pretty mad at Aimee for almost giving herself an eating disorder, so he refuses to chaperone.
Okay, I don't get that. It's fine to be mad at Aimee, or not let her go to the concert or something, but why punish all three girls for your moron sister's mistake? Jerk.
Worst of all: POISON IVY IS GOING TO THE CONCERT! Figures... And she has really good seats because her daddy knew some important people... Um, stereotype much? Her older sister Janet is taking her.
With this bit of information, Madison convinces Aimee's second oldest brother Dean into taking them, because Dean has it bad for Janet.
They go to the concert. It's pretty great. Only when they go backstage, they find out Nikki is faker than fake. And she has acne. Which apparently means you're a horrible person.
So Madison learns that pretty people aren't as nice as we think they are, anorexia is bad, and Carmen is actually a pretty nice person.
More notes:
Thank you, Fiona. "Maddie! You guys need a reality check! She is not perfect. My dad told me that there are artists who airbrush pictures of celebrities like Nikki so that they look perfect. No one is that perfect."
Omg, Aimee is the worst friend ever. "Maddie! How can you eat cookies? You just said you wished you were more like Nikki. Do you think she eats cookies all day? You can't eat that stuff if you want people to notice you."
"What are you talking about? What people?"
"People at school. You know. Guys. Everyone."
Lol. And Madison's all, "But I like cookies." Amen.
What kind of name is Stevie Steves?
Aimee CONSTANTLY forgets that she has 4 brothers: Roger, Dean, Doug, and Billy.
"So, you're there with friends? Either that or we've got some very large mice in the background." AAAAH, Corny Collins creepy!
Omg, I remember my first concert when I was 12, too! It was a Jump5/Zoegirl concert, but it was pretty sweet.
:O Madison gets an e-mail entitled, "Magic! Never Feel Fat Again!" I bet Aimee sent it to her.
Bigwheels is in math club. Lol. Cool.
Okay, whatever, these girls have never heard of Bob Dylan.
Um, what?? They need a chaperone, but refuse to have one of their parents come. Okay, then, girls, you're pretty much screwed.
Argh, junior high boys. "Nikki's cute." "No, Nikki is superhot. There's a difference."
Hm, Ivy's going to a concert the same weekend as you. I wonder what concert it could be....
Don't chaperones need to be 18?
This is why Madison thinks Carmen is rude:
Madison: Do you like Nikki?
Carmen: Not really.
Madison: Oh. How come? I think she's the coolest-
Carmen: She's okay.
Madison: Oh.
And Carmen probably thinks you're a freak.
WHY WOULD YOU BUY A NEW OUTFIT FOR A CONCERT?? I'd probably just wear what I always wear. If I REALLY wanted to dress up, I'd wear a T-shirt with an ironic statement and some nice jeans.
Oh no, Madison gets a megazit!
This is how Fiona introduces herself:
"I'm Fiona Waters and I like animals very much. I always wanted a puppy."
Whaaat? It says that Aimee had gotten her period "the year before". What? She was in 7th grade then and she still is now!
Okay, Aimee is looking scary skinny, but Madison's all, "We shouldn't say something. She'll just get weird on us. She'll get all defensive. I think if she wants to look that way, she should." Yeaaah. I think if she WANTS to die, she SHOULD.
"My aunt Meg would be so perfect. She dresses so hip."
Who says that??
Dude, I REALLY hate Aimee. "What's that on your forehead? Did you get bit by a bug or something?"
But I do agree with her on singles that get overplayed.
"She wanted to pop it, but didn't. Having a hole in her face would be a far worse fate than having a volcano zit."
I'd actually rather have a hole in my face.
OH NO!! "For housework, Madison wore her scrubbiest clothes: an old bandanna wraped around her hair (which hadn't been washed now in two days), a goofy T-shirt with a rip in it, rainbow socks she'd had since fifth grade, and sweatpants that were two sizes too big and drooped down on her hips."
She answers the door while wearing this...
and it turns out to be Hart wondering if she wants to play baseball.
Um, wow.
Yeah, Aimee's just nervous. That explains her visible hipbones and bad attitude.
Ew, Mr. Finn's first concert was the Rolling Stones. McJagger was probably in his early 90's back then.
I seriously think having a pirate as your mascot is pretty lame.
Stephanie tells a story about acne in 7th grade. And how she was ridiculed by homeroom hottie Bobby MacPhee. Whatever, that name is worse than a bunch of acne.
Bigwheels is lame. "I wouldn't stress about your BFF. Aren't all dancers supposed to be really skinny?"
Hart is so lame!! He sends Madison this e-mail:
From: Sk8ingBoy
To: MadFinn
Subject: Class
Date: Sun 19 May 9:40 PM
Hey Finnster have u done that slef-portrait for art class yet? dont know whattodo for mine. Do we ned it for class 2morrow? I am gonna call Carmen about it. Write back soon. CYA L8R.
:O Why would you even SAY THAT??? "I'm going to call some other girl, but you should write me back anyways." And boys wonder why we get mad at them all the time.
"Madison was beginning to think maybe Drew liked her from the way he acted around her, all shy and sweet."
And SUPER STALKERY?? "Hey, Madison, I saw you walking home, so I decided to follow you! How are you, by the way? I made fudge!"
Egg: There's a really good shot of Fiona, actually.
Um...that sounded slightly perverted.
Fiona: I was in last period standing next to Aimee and she...she...collapsed.
Madison: What?
Drew: Like, onto the floor?
Um, Drew? DUH!
Heh. The school nurse is named Nurse Shim.
How does Aimee NOT have an eating disorder now? The doctor was all, "Oh, she was on her way down that path..."
So Roger won't chaperone and Aimee's all mad. Um, YOUR FAULT.
AAARGH! If you REALLY needed a chaperone, why would you refuse someone's offer, even if they were "uncool"?
Why would you ask your teacher?? That's very weird/creepy.
Ivy: What's your problem, Aimee? Hmmm...fainted lately?
:O That's so awful...but a much better comeback than, "Walk much?"
Fiona: Ivy is a cow. Mooooo!
Dean: Nikki stinks. She has a cute belly button, but I hate her music. She can't sing.
A CUTE BELLY BUTTON?? Do guys SERIOUSLY consider a CUTE BELLYBUTTON part of the criteria for whether or not a girl is hot?
"I've been trying to get a date with Janet Daly all year." Perv.
Carmen: Is that your picture for Mr. Duane?
Maidson: Yeah. I'm bringing it to Hart class. I mean art class.
Aimee: I am wearing those pink pants I bought at the mall last week, my Nikki T-shirt, and...this brand-new jean jacket with a big heart patch on the sleeve.
"She didn't have time to chat with Mom now. There were far more important tasks to accomplish."
OMGEEZ, like finding the picture perfect outfit!!
Hmmm, Madison ends up wearing an orange kitty T-shirt and patchwork jeans. Better than pink pants and a hippie jacket....
Lol, she puts on body glitter.
Aaagh. I hate it when siblings fight in front of people. So awkward.
EWWW, Dean IS a perv!
Ivy: So, what are you three doing here?
Fiona: We won tickets on the radio.
Madison: Yeah, we won tickets in the front row. Imagine that?
Ivy: Yeah, right. Let me see.
Amy: Um, I don't think so. We have to be going now.
That's supposed to be a clever, biting response, but now Ivy probably thinks you're lying.
Lame. Nikki's tour is circus themed.
Ha. They end up sitting with Poison Ivy and Janet.
ROFL!! Nikki's opening number is "BEEEE my LUV ma-SHEEN." She has other songs entitled "Living on the Edge of Y-O-U" and "Download My Heart".
And Nikki's not a real blond.
Aimee: *bumps into Nikki*
Nikki: Um, excuse me. Do you mind?
Aimee: Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Nikki: Um, don't touch, 'kay?
All right then....
Fiona is "wicked disappointed".
"Her skin looked bumpy all over. Nikki had zits. Lots of zits."
Why does this make her a horrible person? I have bad acne, too, and I'd like to think I'm better than Nikki. Or Aimee.
OOOOWNED, he tells her her concert was LAME.
"Let's blow this Popsicle stand. Later for the plastic music queen."
Fiona doesn't know what digits are.
Madison: What do you think makes a girl pretty?
Dean: Pretty...I have no clue.
Aimee: Yeah you do. Is it a cool' do or nice eyes or smarts or what?
Dean: She has to be really nice.
Carmen turns out to be way nice. Awwww. Now she and Maddie are BFFs. I can totally relate; there are people I didn't really like in 7th or 8th grade that I'm really good friends with now.
Madison's Computer Tip:
E-mails and IM's are a great way to reach out for help and advice from friends - and get answers fast.
Thank you, Maddie.
Later on, I've got the last Horseshoe Trilogies book. Then a Pony Pals, and an Avalon tomorrow. Peace.
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