Plot: Yay, Beauty got knocked up and is going to have a baby!! Strange, this has never been mentioned before.... It appears that Beauty's due date is near, so the Pony Pals offer to stay up all night with her to make sure nothing goes wrong. During the night, Beauty gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. Everyone admires it, and then leave to eat breakfast.
The next morning, Mike Lacey shows up, claiming he wants to see the pony. After a mean trick, the Pony Pals aren't so sure that's the case, so they threaten to tell everyone he is afraid of ponies if he doesn't cut it out. Oooooo....
Oh no, the foal is stricken with pneumonia!!! The Pony Pals and Mike stay up for another night to take care of the poor creature. But don't worry, it's a Pony Pals book; it's not like he's going to DIE! He gets better immediately, so Mike and the Pony Pals decide to each come up with a name, then everyone will vote. Mike comes up with a WONDERFUL name that everyone likes, so the foal is christened "Miracle". Yay.
More notes:
She insists on saying "chestnut-colored".
SINCE WHEN IS BEAUTY PREGNANT?? And how have 11 months passed with us not knowing? I bet I know who the father is, though.
Jeanne Betancourt has reused the same "Galloping feels like flying!" paragraph in like 3 books.
Ms. Wiggins: It would be wonderful to have some help. Are you sure you don't mind? It's not as much fun as camping in the hills.
Um, let's see, hole in the ground vs. toilets and running water, real food vs. food over the campfire, I'd rather sleep at your house, Ms. Wiggins.
They call the paddock Beauty's "little yard". I guess Jeanne forgot the terminology.
Pam always has to sound so smart.
I think the Pony Pals wake up every morning and go, "Hm, lovely day, this reminds me of how I met my two best friends." I mean, really, who thinks about their best friends while setting up a tent?
"Lulu thought living in Wiggins would be boring. Then she met Anna and Pam and became a Pony Pal. And then she got Snow White."
That writing makes me cringe.
Of course Snow White will like the baby. Snow White is obsessed with babies.
I think "Black Beauty" is the only movie they've ever seen.
It's easy to mistake people for bears or deer when you're riding...in broad daylight.
Lol, Mike screams like a little girl.
A beautiful drawing of Snow White. She looks like a carousel pony. Mike looks like Eminem.
Being scared of ponies isn't that big a deal.
Anna brings brownies. *shakes head*
He's described as brown with black stockings. The foal on the cover definitely doesn't fit that description.
His marking looks more like a crescent moon than a half moon, Lulu.
Aw, he's so adorable.
They said "teat" in a children's book!!
LOL, Tommy and Mike push their tent over...while they're in it. The drawing is quite odd, though, because Anna somehow ends up on top of Lulu.
ROFL! "'Do you think an animal could have pushed the tent over?' asked Pam. 'Like a cow?'"
"'Maybe a deer did it,' suggested Anna. 'A big deer. And it ran away.'"
How is this a mystery? It was so obviously Tommy and Mike. And why must you always make everything a mystery, Pam?
Mike practically confesses. "It wasn't my idea!!!"
I love how their lives revolve around riding. "Oh no, I almost broke my leg! You can't ride with a broken leg!" "That's nothing! I have AIDs! You can't ride with AIDs!" "Well, I have dyslexia! You can't ride with dyslexia!"
They write him a threatening letter.
Mike: We know that you and Tommy tipped over our tent. We have evidence to prove it. If you do anything mean and dangerous like that again, we'll tell Ms. Wiggins. You better leave us alone or you could lose your job.
Pam, Anna, Lulu
P.S. We saw how afraid you were when you fed Picasso. We were spying on you. [That's not stalker-y or anything.]
P.P.S. Watch out for Pony Power! [I think this is why he makes fun of you.]
Btw, who was the person that said, "Boys make fun of you when they like you?" Or maybe all boys are jackasses.
Tommy's idea for a name is Turd. Because the pony is brown.
Ms. Wiggins is so dense.
Okay, Rascal is an okay name, but wth Pam? "His eyes already sparkle with mischief."
Oooh, a very nice drawing of Snow White. Wth, horses and ponies neigh all the time. That doesn't mean someone is dead.
Wth? "Oh no, the foal is congested!" Then give him a Sudafed.
Wow. The Pony Pals fight back.
Tommy: Has the little pony got a little cold-y?
Mike: Quit it, Tomy. This could be serious.
Lulu: Not everything is a joke, Tommy Rand.
Tommy: Well, the Pony Pests are one big joke. You make me laugh all day long.
Pam: And you make me sick. Don't you take anything seriously?
Wth, Lulu stops Pam and is all, "This is not the time to fight with Tommy Rand." Isn't that what you were doing, Mrs. Hypocrite??
Ooh, Tommy uses bad grammar to up his cool factor. "We got better stuff to do."
Ew, Paul Bachem drew the UGLIEST picture of Beauty. Her face is humongous.
Wth, everyone has 90 minutes on watch, but Mr. Silver, the OLD GUY, has 2 hours. Lame.
Ew, foaly is really ugly in the next picture, and Mike is all up against the wall for some reason. Like a Boys Like Girls song.
Go Pam!
Mike: Okay, okay. I get it. I'm not stupid.
Pam: *glare of death* Sometimes you are. When you follow whatever stupid, dumb, dangerous thing Tommy Rand says.
Lulu: You're even afraid of Tommy. And we know you're afraid of ponies, too.
Shut up, Lulu. I hate that this book is about Lulu. Just a lot of Snow White glorification.
Why is it that when they want to stay up late, they eat cookies and juice? Drink Red Bull and you'll be fine.
Mike saves the day...again.
Wth, shut up, Lulu, you ungrateful whore.
If someone is coughing, get them to stand up and it will be all better. Or grab their belly. Says nurse Pam.
"Lulu looked up and saw a white shape running through the dawning light.
It was Snow White."
That's good, because I was afraid it was a polar bear. Duh, of course it was Snow White.
Lulu and Mike bond over milk.
Pam's name is Rascal.
Lulu's name is Moon, which I would've voted for back in the day, when I was obsessed with all things moon: Sailor Moon, crescent moon, moonshining....
Anna chooses Big Boy?? What kind of name is that? Pam suggests they call him B. B. Maybe if he was a blues artist.
Mike chooses Miracle, and they force him to say why he chose that name.
"Because it's like a miracle that he was born without any problems. Then he got sick, and it's a miracle he didn't die."
Mike said "like" like a valley girl. That's so sappy but kind of sweet.
Mike isn't shy, Lulu, he's just embarassed that he has to talk about ponies with 3 ten-year-old girls.
WHY must you do a secret ballot, just choose a name!!!
Lulu has crappy handwriting.
Miracle wins. I like Moon better.
A horrible picture of Snow White, a very nice picture of Lightning, and Acorn is palomino??? What??
This book was barely about Snow White, and Lulu is all, "Snow White, you saved the whole world from global warming while ending world hunger!!"
Lame. "You're great, Snow White. You are the miracle in my life."
Lol. You are the music in me.
So that's it. Tomorrow I'll talk about Avalon!!! Yay! Magic and talking ferrets. It will be quite fantastic.
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