Plot: Josie doesn't want to sell Charity, her specialist most favorite horse, but she has no choice. Now, to add more stress, the Graces have to find a new home.
So Josie is all emo about Charity the ENTIRE TIME. The Taylor family and their daughter Emily are pretty interested in buying her (why is it that no boys ever want to buy a horse??), which makes Josie uber jealous.
Then, one night, Charity disappears, along with all her tack! *gasp* SHE'S BEEN STOLEN!
And we know who the culprit is. Kirsty, a creepy little girl who loves Charity a little TOO much, apparently did it to help Josie?? Whatever.
So Josie goes looking for them and finds them in the boathouse, but then Kirsty has an asthma attack and somehow falls into the river. Josie goes to save her, and they're both about to drown, but Charity saves them both.
Um, yay.
So now that that's all over, Josie's parents start hinting that they've found a NEW OWNER for Charity and she's the BEST OWNER they could find. Josie can't figure it out, but then they tell her that Charity is HERS. Because her dad got a new job and now is uber rich and their new house has a field where they can keep a horse. LAAAAAME.
More notes:
Josie often has odd fantasies involving Charity and herself.... THEY'RE ABOUT RIDING!!! Sickos.
Oh, and in the fantasy, she saves a young man who's broken his leg, and his grandmother lets Charity stay for free in their stables.
Whaaaat? Looking at this cover, Charity doesn't even look CLOSE to flea-bitten. As in the color, not the state.
Josie invites Kirsty over to her house, and then is all, "OMG, SHE'S SO CREEPY AND SHE GETS ON MY NERVES!" Then WHY'D you invite her to your house?
Anna thinks Kirsty is creepy, too. Why? Does she murder animals or play with voodoo dolls?
"'No!' Kirsty said. 'I won't let them take her away from you!'"
Okay...THAT's creepy.
Okay, her parents are sort of poorish, so they're settling on a townhouse with a small backyard, and Josie's all complaining. "THIS ISN'T THE BEST HOUSE!! HOW WILL WE KEEP THE DUCKS AND CHICKENS??" You won't...because you're POOR.
Foreshadowing of the boathouse incident, and how unstable it is....
"They've got an older boy who's had a horse for a while, and now they want a horse for his younger sister. She's been having riding lessons for ages."
Hmm...sounds familiar. What do you know, she has brown hair and freckles!
Oh, if you smile shyly, you must be a nice person.
Josie storms into the house and starts yelling at her dad.
I love how her mom is so blunt and realistic.
"There are three bedrooms, but one of them is tiny, and the kitchen's not enormous, either."
"That doesn't bother me. You know how I feel about cooking."
Um, yeah, but your husband LOVES to cook. Why don't you ask him how HE feels?
Josie and Anna find a field with horses right next to the new house.
Josie: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Me: That there are horses there to take your mind off Charity?
Anna: Oooh! Charity could stay with those horses!
Me: ....
Um, duh, horses are EXPENSIVE.
Ah yes, let's lie and say that Charity has an awful disease.
Oh no, Charity's not in the field! Well, gee, MAYBE SHE'S IN THE BARN!
I'm trying to imagine the damage Josie could do to a potential horse thief.
Anna, Ben, and Josie are being detectives like the Pony Pals.
The thief knew where the key was.... Hm, MAYBE THEY'VE BEEN THERE BEFORE?
Oh, and Kirsty Fisher happens to be missing. What a coincidence.
Argh! Now that they know it's Kirsty, they're like, "Oh, she didn't mean to hurt us, it's all right." Yeah, but she stole your property. Doesn't that mean anything to you?
They didn't get any phonecalls from Mrs. Fisher...and it's Josie's fault.
"I've got a feeling she was trying to help me." Yeah, in a messed up against-the-law way.
Oh, and it turns out Kirsty is asthmatic. Just to add to the drama.
Why would you look for a girl on horseback with bikes? Wouldn't you also use horses?
Yeah, duh, use Faith.
Gotcha, Anna and Ben's dad is Spanish. Makes sense.
Faith, like Acorn, is a good detective.
Kirsty's inhaler reminded me of how my brother used to use an inhaler for allergies.
"No one's angry at you, Kirsty." I am.
Argh, she has a serious asthma attack. Just like in "Are We There Yet?".
Josie tries to throw the inhaler to her...and misses by TWO FEET. Nice throw.
Kirsty falls into the river. Wow.
Smart, go after her. Now you'll both drown, although what else could you do?
Charity saves them. This would be a good episode of "Miracle Pets".
Should I call the police first, or my parents? Police, police! She calls her parents.
Anna: I called the farmer who owns the field, but he says someone already asked him to keep a space for a horse!
Josie: Darn.
Me: ....
"My own sweet Charity. Now nothing's going to take her away from me!"
Except for possibly death and disease.
So yeah. A really awful Pony Pals tomorrow. Yaay, haven't done one of those in a while.
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