Plot: Ms. Wiggins is teaching Anna and Acorn how to drive a pony cart, because her pony Winston pulls a cart every year for the Winter Festival Parade. She wants Acorn to take over for Winston next year, because Winston is so old. After Anna's horrible lesson, Ms. Wiggins asks the Pony Pals to watch Winston while she goes to an art show where she will be showing her paintings. Ooh, what an artist.
When the Pony Pals go to check on Winston, they find him on the ground. Pam calls her dad and they try to take care of Winston, but Dr. Crandal (I've been spelling it wrong all this time) says he's going to die and there's nothing they can do.
This makes Anna mad. She stays with Winston all night, refuses meals, ignores Acorn, and tries to convince Ms. Wiggins to get another veterinarian because she doesn't believe Winston is going to die.
Then he does. And she was wrong.
So everyone is sad.
YAY, 3 GREAT IDEAS! The Pony Pals decide to have Acorn replace Acorn after all! Only Acorn is being stubborn, and even with Mr. Olson's help, he doesn't learn. Finally, with a little bit of help from HIS pony pals (ew, what a gross sentence) Acorn cooperates, and Ms. Wiggins is happy again. Yeeeeeeee-ha.
More notes:
Acorn looks hecka ugly. I want those pants. Winston is adorable.
Why do they call it the Winter Festival Parade. It's one or the other.
Acorn is huge in the first picture. He's supposed to be short. Like 11.2 hands.
Foreshadowing of the death of Winston. AAAAGH WE GET IT ALREADY!
Anna wants to have a Pony Party. Not loser.
Anna wants to keep Acorn forever. Not seeing this happening.
This is Lulu's "first winter". Um, not really. Remember "A Pony For Keeps"? Wasn't THAT your first winter?? AND HOW ARE YOU STILL IN 5TH GRADE? Did you all get held back? I thought Pam was smart.
Pam is either in a bad mood or she has a mustache.
How come whenever a pony is sick or injured the Pony Pals assume it is colic? "He hasn't eaten in 5 days and is looking gaunt." "*gasp* COULD IT BE COLIC?" "...."
Dr. Crandal: There's not much I can do for him.
Okay, Anna, I know you're slow....
"We Pony Pals have solved a lot of tough problems." Name one.
The Pony Pals seem to really like spaghetti.
Anna is convinced that everyone else is a quitter and that she's a saint.
Anna yells at the Pony Pals for letting Winston lie down. LISTEN TO ME: HE'S GOING TO DIE!!!
Mr. Silver: I dug a hole in the ground before it froze. Just in case.
Anna thinks Dr. Crandal is the problem. Maybe YOU'RE the problem, Anna. That would solve all the Pony Pal's problems. Actually, not. Lulu needs to go, too.
Anna is mad at Ms. Wiggins for not being there. She misses Winston's death by 5 minutes and Anna thinks she did it on purpose. I hate this kid.
Acorn looks very cute and vaguely Arab. Winston has this huge Roman nose.
Acorn: *pushes Winston to the ground*
Lulu: Maybe he was just telling Winston it's okay to die.
Oh right. I actually agree with Anna on this one.
Pam: I think it's almost the end....
That's like a bad Dickens novel sentence.
Awww, they cut off part of Winston's mane and braid it. That's so sweet. Not even playing.
I love blueberry pancakes.
Ew, a "Miracle Pets" story about how Wiggins saved her life. SOOO lame.
Selfish Anna. She spent all her money on stuff for Acorn when she could've donated it to the St. Francis Animal Shelter in Winston's memory!
ANOTHER GOOD DRAWING FROM ANNA! This is a crazy trend.
Mmm, apple juice and donuts.
Acorn so huge. Anna so short. Pam so pretty. Lulu so annoying.
IT'S MR. OLSON CREEP PANTS! He's lost a lot more hair since book #2.
Mmmm, hot chocolate and cheese sandwhiches.
I think Mrs. Harley and Ms. Wiggins are...you know....
I honestly think Anna thinks Pam is stupid.
Lulu so ugly. Pam so boy. Mr. Olson so Grampa.
And Anna's good drawing streak comes to a halt with the shoebox for Winston.
Ew, Boy Scouts are so evil.
Anna's sister's name used to be Tammy. Now it's Melissa.
You don't have to repeat yourself to make a point. "YOU DID IT, ACORN! YOU DID IT!"
Aaargh. That was painful. I know I've been posting a lot, but I'll slow down, because I only have 1 left and I have to wait for "The Baby Pony" to come in. Yay, the first super special! I'll have fun with that.
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