Plot: Snow White has strangles! I looked that up on wikipedia and that's like equine strep throat. Anyways, she's really contagious, so Lulu hasn't been able to go riding and Snow White has been staying at the Baxter's. :( One day, as Snow White is almost better, Lulu leaves Snow White by herself so she can go to a movie with the Pony Pals.
The next day it snows. And Snow White is gone.
Lulu is beside herself. She's convinced that it's her fault, like maybe she left the stall door open, or whatever, and she moans about it for a long time.
The Pony Pals call the state police, make wanted posters, and then Lulu goes out looking for her.
She finds her pretty quickly. Unfortunately, Snow White is an 8 foot deep hole in the ground. The walls are covered in ice and she can't get out. Lulu calls for help, and the Pony Pals come and help Lulu get Snow White out. Lulu now feels worse than ever, and thinks Snow White's strangles might be worse, so she leaves her at the Crandalls' house and writes them a letter, bequeathing her pony to them.
To get her mind off the ordeal, Lulu goes to dinner with her grandma, but the Pony Pals come in and convince her to take Snow White back because it turns out Snow White broke the lock in the paddock, so it wasn't her fault after all. Joy and tidings.
More notes:
Snow White looks very nice on the cover. She looks a lot younger and non-ponyish.
Lulu really wants to see this movie. I tried to imagine what movie it could be, but couldn't think of anything and just pretended it was "Hairspray" the whole time.
Why are Lulu and Anna suddenly okay with Pam's job? Well, the last one took place in summer and this one takes place in winter. AND THEY'RE STILL IN 5TH GRADE.
Pam is still way pretty. Anna looks more masculine than before.
Grandmother Sanders thinks looking proper is more important than outdoor sports. Well, duh. I'd rather look good than be athletic. Although those two sometimes go hand in hand. Let's say outdoorsy instead.
"Maybe we can't find Snow White because she's white and so is the snow." Yeah, a 2000 pound animal is that hard to miss.
Anna shrunk AGAIN!
They have a missing pony, so they call the state police. Right. I think the state police has more trying matters than a missing pony.
"Well, we have a dead dog and three dead deer, but no pony. We'll call if you anything comes up." Thanks, Officer.
Lulu: Maybe someone found her and wants to keep her.
Anna: That would be better than being lost or hurt.
Nice, Anna.
Another awful picture of a crying pony. And Lulu won't stop moaning about everything. "Ooooh, it's my fault." I bet she's just saying that so the others will contradict her and she'll feel better. Like the people who continually say, "I'm so fat!" Actually, I'm guilty of that. Sometimes.
Anna says they put up posters when her sister's cat was lost. But in book #17, Mrs. Harley is allergic to cats.
Lulu mistakes coyote tracks for horse tracks.
Ew, they describe Snow White's hair as coarse and oily. Like a teenager's.
Lulu is fine if she dies of dehydration as long as her pony is okay. Hm. Nice.
Lulu mistakes a bush covered in snow for a dead pony. COME ON.
Lulu falls into a hole. I take back my vote for her.
Lulu needs to stop being such a pessimist. "Oh, we're gonna die!" Oh, how I wish you would.
It seems Mrs. Crandall and the twins are always at the mall.
It's a cellphone, Lulu. Duh.
Lulu: Grab her! Before she falls back in!
Pam: I can't. She doesn't have a halter.
There are other ways to grab horses.
Lulu = so emo.
And she runs out of the room crying. Aaaargh.
Aaaargh, Lulu is antisocial. And she has a dead mom flashback. Double aaargh.
It's 9:00 A.M. Anna has been up for 4 hours. Holy crap, what is your problem? ANNA'S BEEN IN THE CRACK CORN!
What kind of outfit is this? "Grandmother smiled. 'Lucinda, dear,' she said, 'wear that lovely velvet skirt and the sweater with the lace collar that I bought you. You look so lovely in that outfit.'" Sounds like a concert violinist's outfit mixed with a nun's habit.
Who does that? When you don't want someone to leave, you don't grab their skirt!
Surprisingly (not), it rips.
What's up with the good illustrations? Is Anna actually improving?
Aaargh. Lulu is an idiot pants. "The lock broke." "YOU'RE MAKING THAT UP. *emos*"
This is Lulu's idea: 3 heads are better than 1. Right. That's a great idea. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
People ride in skirts all the time. Sidesaddle.
I REALLY hated that one, even more so than #8, which I will start on right now. Aaargh, it's about death and Anna being a lamepants. You will not enjoy it.
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