Acorn is always described as black and brown (why can't they say bay???) but I always thought he looked more yellow. Anna looks relatively tiny compared to Acorn.
Plot: Anna loves Acorn. Acorn loves Anna. It's a perfect match. But Anna's parents blame Acorn for Anna's bad grades (or maybe she's just dumb), and threaten to get rid of him unless she gets A's on her report card.
Report cards come back. C-, C-, D, D...A IN ART! But no, that's not good enough, so Acorn's a goner. So Anna does the mature thing and decides to run away from home.
That's right. She skips school and goes riding with Acorn and they jump, bla bla bla, but then she gets caught by the Wiggins Witch!!! Duh, that's what you get when you trespass...
But it turns out the Wiggins Witch is really a nice woman named Wilhelmina Wiggins who loves ponies as much as Anna!!! Good golly! And it turns out that Anna is dyslexic, and so is Willie! So they become BEST PALS.
Anna tells the Pony Pals about her learning disability and Pam enforces the crappy three ideas rule. Aaargh... But before they can put all of them into practice, ACORN DISAPPEARS! It looks like Anna's parents really wanted him gone.
But YAY! The Pony Pals explain to Mrs. Harley that Anna isn't stupid and Acorn isn't distracting her, and Mrs. Harley willingly forks over a couple thou to buy Acorn for Anna. So Anna buys Acorn! YAY! ACORN AND ANNA FOREVER! *puke*
More notes:
Pam decides it's okay to trespass on private property, because those signs are OBVIOUSLY referring to hunters, not kids on ponies.
Ugh. Fifth grade humor. Did I make jokes like this in 5th grade?
Anna: That's a big house. I heard it has 27 rooms.
Lulu: I bet she hasn't left the house for 27 years.
Pam: And has 27 cats.
Anna: And hasn't taken a bath in 27 weeks!
Another Acorn and Snow White lovefest. I always thought when I was little that they would fall in love and make little horsey babies together. Maybe they did; I never read the one where Snow White has a baby.
Rema Baxter doesn't want Snow White getting attached to Lulu. Then maybe you should go home and take care of your pony!!!! Loser.
Suddenly everyone hates Acorn.
Pam: Maybe Acorn's the wrong pony for you.
Maybe you don't DESERVE a pony.
Anna uses the phrase "pretty ponies". And you wonder why I chose that title...
Mr. Olsen seems anxious to sell this Morgan. He tries to sell it to each of the Pony Pals until book #4. If it's such a great horse, HOW COME NO ONE'S BOUGHT IT???
And how come he has such a big horse farm in a small town? Everyone probably already has a horse, and it's not like he's world renowned so people from all over buy his ponies. Horses. Animals.
I hate it when authors spell things out, like T-E-R-M-S O-F S-A-L-E, and expect you to read each letter seperately.
Oh no, bossy Tommy Rand owned Acorn! How horrible! Heh. Tommy's first appearance. After this, he's a regular character. And he's way ugly. And his best friend's angsty.
Anna's all shocked that Tommy doesn't miss Acorn. Yeah. He's a boy who likes trapping animals for fun (more on that in book #10). I don't think he's big on ponies.
Tammy: Can't you guys leave her alone? Maybe she's doing the best she can.
Mr. Harley: I doubt it. I know this girl. Her brain's are as good as yours and her brother's. All my kids are smart. Anna's too easily distracted and draws when she should be writing. Seems to me that Acorn is the biggest distraction of them all.
That's so mean. I would wait till she was out of the room before I said this. Maybe she has a learning disability...or she's just dumb. That IS a common ailment. Some things in that sentence were quite grammatically incorrect.
Anna = so short. And Pam still has an afro puff that magically disappears in the next book.
(Anna's parents are selling Acorn.)
"We're doing this for your own good." Yeah, that's what my parents said about private schooling. Bull.
LULU FALLS FOR ANNA'S SICK RUSE! And Anna skips school! Isn't this a little risque` for a children's book? Aren't we trying to teach good morals?
Anna is surprised that a grown woman on a huge horse could catch up with her on a Shetland pony.
Willie talks like she's Southern, without the accent. And Anna starts telling her her life story five seconds after she meets her. Um, dramatic much? I guess it doesn't matter that she was trespassing.
AAAGH, ANOTHER PETA MESSAGE ABOUT HUNTING! What is this, "The Most Dangerous Game"?
After this book, Jeanne Betancourt had trouble with the continuity of Mrs. Wiggins name. Sometimes it was Wilhelmina, sometimes it was Winifred, sometimes it was Wilma.... I really hate the name Wilma.
Mrs. Wiggins is totally cool with cutting school. Right.
Mrs. Wiggins = way creeping me out. She's going to invite them over for dinner any minute, and then eat their souls.
Is no one seeing how questionable this situation is? Oh, and the Pony Pals decide not to tell Anna's parents that Anna ran away and go looking for her themselves. A bunch of ten-year-olds alone on horseback. Sooo safe.
Pam again, being a control freak. "THREE IDEAS! TOMORROW! 5 SHARP!"
Pam supposedly has the best handwriting, and it's worse than mine.
I know she doesn't like spelling, but come on. And her drawings are a little hard to figure out. Is that a cat?
Specshel tudor + *bad drawing of pony* = *smiley face?*
Pam: Your drawings are so great.
Yeah right.
Heh. I love the picture on page 72. Pam and Lulu are shocked, and Anna's just smiling. Isn't she supposed to be sad? They just took Acorn away.
Anna is sorry she's stupid. You should be.
Pam and Lulu are responsible enough to run a diner by themselves. Right.
"Acorn was so glad to see her that he stopped eating." What? Does he have an eating disorder now? Can happiness really do that?
Doesn't tutoring cost a lot? Why are they letting Anna do it for free? Is she poor and they feel sorry for her?
Aaaah, that whole book just bummed me out because it was boring and it reminded me of a Clubhouse Jr. issue that was supposed to be about horses and it was about dyslexia. JUST LIKE THIS BOOK. Graaaah. I have #3, which I never finished cuz it sucked. I'll maybe finish that tonight. I'm going through these things like water. See ya.
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