Pray tell, HOW IS THIS COVER LESS TRIPPY THAN THE OLD ONES? PLUS, this book has illustrations! And it's told from all 3 points of view, rather than following the Emily-Kara-Adriane pattern.
It's like a whole different series!
I haven't finished it yet, so I'm going to do this book in three parts. Or more.
Plot: Our goblin friend Tasha has located ALL OF THE REMAINING POWER CRYSTALS. Well, that's...convenient. And Emily was attacked by an evil magical creature who claims Emily is the dark witch who called him forth. Whaaaat? In the mean time, Adriane is still angry at Kara for taking control of Zach's magic (see book #4...or #10. Whatevs.), so they've been fighting a lot more recently.
BIG PLOT TWIST: The Dark Sorceress, the Spider Witch, and the Kara's Fairy Grandmother used to be a warrior, healer, and blazing star trio back in the day. But, when the Dark Sorceress killed her bonded animal for magic, she became the DARK MAGE (hence the title). Apparently there's some sort of prophecy that states that in a trio of mages, one mage will always betray the others and become the DARK MAGE. She seems to think it will be Kara, the blazing star. Even though she was the warrior when she betrayed her friends. She even makes a joke about how it's always the blazing star...?
Bet you it will be Emily.
The three mages split up and head to three separate locations to find the power crystals.
Kara heads to Dalriada to reunite with their sparkly unicorn friends.
Emily goes to the Fairy Realms, where Kara's boyfriend Lorren is. The big question: WILL LORREN CHEAT ON KARA?
Adriane goes to THE UNCHARTED LANDS or something like that, because where else would Adriane go?
So far, all the unicorns seem to be missing!
The Fairy Realms are reluctant to believe Avalon exists, but a creepy old mole comes and tells Emily that the magic in Avalon is EVIL. D:
Then Adriane is attacked by some lizards, but they run away when she comes face to face with a...DRAGON.
What will happen to our heroes?
More notes:
Everyone's all of a sudden really upset that Kara destroyed one of the power crystals. Hello? She destroyed it 3 BOOKS AGO, and NO ONE CARED THEN. It's only recently that everyone's been, "OH NO, WE ONLY HAVE 8 CRYSTALS." Well, duh. Talk about delayed reaction.
The monster/evil creature attacks Emily in the school library...IN THE PRESENCE OF RAE WINDOR.
Emily does the smart thing: she BRAINWASHES Rae with MAGIC. "You never saw anything." She's so the dark mage.
Adriane has a Pocahontas moment with the Ravenswood animals, where she teaches them how to use their magic...to improve...the...park... I feel like this could've (should've) been done a lot sooner.
"I hear wind." "Be the wind." "I hear birds singing!" "Be the birds."
And she twirls when she says this. Adriane. Twirling. WHAT IS HAPPENING?
Adriane: A random portal in school! A creature in the library! What's next, dragonflies in French class?
Kara: Actually, that already happened.
Ozzie gets an e-mail:
Dear Ozzie, you are the best part of Ravenswood. We want you to star in our brand new TV show. Please e-mail back right away at-
Then Tweek deletes it. Nice.
Oh no! It won't be long before the Spider Witch reweaves THE ENTIRE MAGIC WEB.
Kara: Hello, we've been through this already. I helped Zach use his magic and we saved the dragon eggs. Three words: Get over it.
Adriane; Why don't you just admit it was wrong?
Kara: What was I supposed to do? Sit there and let those dragons die?
Adriane: Oh, you're a real team player, Kara. The whole quest to save Avalon is in danger because you destroyed a power crystal!
Kara: That was an accident!
Adriane: Yeah, it seems you have a lot of those.
Kara: It would just kill you to give me credit for anything, wouldn't it?
Surprise! Emily finally grows a spine and breaks up the fight!
Kara: I'd much prefer working solo than having dragon girl breathe down my neck...
Ozzie: A govlin, an owl, and a twig - Ravenswood is doomed.
In chapter 5, I was REALLY CONFUSED, because it described how the warrior suddenly killed her bonded animal and used her magic to mutate the healer.
I thought it was about Adriane.
Turns out it was a flashback the Dark Sorceress was having.
Dark Sorceress kidnapped Henry Gardener! And she's forcing him to make a ninth power crystal.
And she has an EEEEEEEVIL plan for how he should make it. But we're not allowed to know what that is.
Quick thought: Ozzie's a mage...WHAT IF HE'S THE DARK MAGE? Ha.
Kara: Why would every unicorn in the school suddenly decide to jump a portal at once?
Talking orb: Synchronized popping is very popular-
You know...kids these days...
Still sort of hate the fairy queen.
Lorren: The lovely healer mage. Your outer beauty is matched only by the magic inside.
Emily: Don't we look dashing?
Emily spent the entire first chapter longing for Marlin or Merlin or whatever his name is. And why didn't Kara jump at the chance to visit her boyfriend? DARK MAGE.
Olfert the mole seems to think opening the gates of Avalon would be a bad idea. Of course, the wise fairies just laugh him off. Hate them.
Adriane spends a million pages talking to Zach via D-fly. It's as sappy as ever. :P
Oh no!! Another dragon! Even Drake's afraid!
That's where I leave you. There's actually a new Avalon website. Well, relatively new. They have an Avalon jukebox, with some truly awful songs. Be*Tween's not all that great. The mage quiz is the same, but my results aren't.

Wouldn't you know it? Guess I'm a healer.
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