Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ghost ponies are entirely probable, or Pony Pals #31: Ponies From the Past

I love how this is the only cover where Lulu actually looks 10-years-old.

Plot: Lulu and Snow White are out riding with their pals Anna and Acorn when Snow White finds a jar inside a hollow log. Curious, Lulu looks inside and finds a later from 1918 written from one young girl (AW) to another (LS). In the letter, AW talks about ponies and boys and things that the Pony Pals often talk about. Lulu feels that AW and LS are kindred spirits and takes the letter to Pam. Pam, being Pam, feels like they should further explore this "mystery": Who is LS? Who is AW? Why didn't LS ever receive the letter?
They go to the Historical Society and look up people with the initials "AW" or "LS" that were born in 1908. How do they know when the girls were born? They could have been 18, not 10!
It turns out "LS", or Lydia Simpson-Eastman, is still alive and lives in a nursing home, so the Pony Pals go visit her. She tells them all about "AW" (or Abigail Wiggins-Stevenson) and herself and their ponies, Bangles and Wildflower. The Pony Pals are shocked to discover that Lydia is Mike Lacey's great grandmother! :O
Bla bla bla, a bunch of boring stuff where they look at some more old letters. Moving on.
Abigail's letters mentioned a secret field, so the Pony Pals seek out the field and go on a ride with Mrs. Wiggins and Lydia in the pony cart and Mike on his bike. They feel like the spirits of Bangles, Wildflower, and Abigail are with them. Lame.

More notes:
Aaargh. Snow White refuses to jump over the fallen tree. She's not curious, just badly behaved.

Lulu won't open the jar until Pam shows up. I guess she learned after that "Sell the pony to Pam's mom" stunt.

Pam doesn't want to open the jar. "We shouldn't read someone else's mail." You should if they're DEAD.

Abigail and Lydia were pestered by boys named George O. and Edwin P. *gasp* JUST LIKE THE PONY PALS!!

"Even John doesn't know about our secret riding field, where girls and ponies are free."
No comment.

Abigail included a really awful drawing with the letter.

What kind of name is Bangles?

Ew, Tommy is blonde in one of the pictures. Mike is a hottie, lol. The Pony Pals are all wearing mom jeans and baggy shirts.

Acorn attacks Tommy.

Anna: Let's go. We've go better things to do than be insulted by Tommy the Teddy Bear and his sidekick, Mike.
Ooooh. Not.

Hm, AW, who lives in Wiggins. Could her last name be Wiggins?

FOR THE LOVE OF DONUTS, they're eating brownies AGAIN!

Pam is an idiot.
Ms. Wiggins: A is for Abigail. My great-aunt Abigail Stevenson. My grandfather was John Wiggins, Abigail's brother. He must be the one who put the letter in the three.
Pam: AW can't be Abigail Stevenson. We're looking for AW, not AS.
Duh, Pam, she got MARRIED.

Ugh. "Maybe the ghosts of the ponies are still in the field."

Oh, gotcha, they find Abigail's birthdate in the family Bible. I'm surprised they even are allowed to MENTION the Bible in this book.

Wait, that doesn't mean Lydia was born in the same year!

Ha ha. Lydia Simpson and Lulu Sanders. SAME INITIALS!

Okay, they look at people born in 1908, but it's not in alphabetical order?? That doesn't make sense to me.

Yeah, let's go visit an old woman and talk about the death of her baby brother!

Oh no, she's Mike's great-grandmother!! She's all, "He's a WONDERFUL boy. You would LOVE him."
Pony Pals: Um, not so much....

Bangles was a Shetland, too. Hm, how interesting.

Laaame. "Hey, here come the Pony Pals! Quick! Call the exterminator!"

Owned, Mike is all, "DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY GRANDMA, TOMMY!"

Mike and the Pony Pals dress in "silly" hats and look at the letters together.

Okay, I know what a false bottom is, but as soon as I read that I started laughing. So immature, I know. Lol.

Mike is named after his great-grandma's baby brother who died of influenza in 1908. Nice.

Lame. The Pony Pals are all, "Mike, you're George O. and Tommy is Edwin P. You're so much cooler without Edwin, I mean, TOMMY."

Lulu: Do you remember Lydia's dream? The one she wrote about in the letter?
Pam: She and Abigail were riding with three other girls and their ponies.
Lulu: Three girls like us.

Ew, there's a picture of Abigail and Lydia and their ponies. The ponies are hideous (as usual), but Lydia looks sort of like Lulu, only uglier, and Abigail looks like Anne of Green Gables, and it seems like she's about to cry.

Don't worry, they're nice ghosts! Yeah, right.

They keep quoting the letter and talking in creepy voices!

"'Thank you,' she whispered in her pony's ear. 'Thank you for leading us to the past.'"
That was too weird for me.

I have an Avalon to finish, the last one in the series *gasp*! Don't worry, there's a whole nother Avalon series, which I will read. And then we have more Pony Pals!
I still need to finish my Pony Pal collage, seriously.

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