Plot: The three mages are busy putting on the benefit concert they'd planned in the previous book. Popular girl band Be*Tween is coming!!
Oh no, wait, they're not coming, because Be*Tween has conveniently disappeared!
Kara (this is a Kara book) is SUPER BUMMED (I repeat, this is a Kara book), until Adriane books popular Elvis-esque singer Johnny Conrad! All the ladies love Johnny Conrad. Best of all, Johnny has proposed a contest: girls of all ages and talents can come audition to sing with him on stage! Emily doesn't care, because she thinks boys are icky, but Adriane's trying out because she can play guitar!!! Kara is tone deaf and has no other musical talents, but she plans to cheat and use the unicorn horn Lorelei gave them! Boo, foul play!
But Johnny is acting odd; he has taken an odd, rather creepy, interest in Kara, and the mages keep stumbling upon him in the library looking at the "secret" computer or reading books about spellsinging.
Spellsinging seems to be self explanatory, but not to the mages.
However, Kara manages to figure it out pretty quickly and creates spells using the unicorn horn to make her voice fabulous.
But, oh no, Lyra attacks her and Adriane starts acting nastily towards her! Kara doesn't know it, but a shapeshifting creature called the Skultum has taken Johnny's place and is wreaking havoc in order to get Kara to open the portal to Avalon for him.
Emily finally figures out what's going on, so she and Adriane reveal it to Kara at the concert. The three spellsing together and banish Skultum to some place, I forget where. Kara admits she was stupid, gives back the unicorn horn, and everything is instantly okay.
More notes:
Be*Tween's songs are about drugs. Or magic. Either one works. "Cuz I'm on a supernatural high!"
Ariel the owl is kind of annoying. "Hoo doo yoo doo?"
Joseph Blackpool, CEO
Cigam Management
Wow. Adriane AND Kara listen to Johnny Conrad? And the mere mention of him reduces Adriane to high pitched squeals and giggling fits? Dang.
Aagh, the Fairimentals are back.
Okay, whenever ANYTHING happens, Adriane's all, "I NEED TO CALL ZACH!!"
Emily: Hi. My name is Emily. Can Kara come out to play?
Kara: I'm acting like a real (children's literature, cuss word omitted) witch, aren't I?
Emily: Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?
If you were trying to be funny, Emily, it's not working.
OMG, like on TV last night!
"Matt Hasselbeck missed his calling as a stand-up comic!"
Johnny Conrad is just like Link Larkin...only he wears leather pants.
Ooh, what deep lyrics. "DANCE! DANCE! TAKE A CHANCE AND DANCE!"
Mayor Davies: I think you've already won the key to my daughter's heart."
:O If my dad said that in front of a thousand people, I would murder him.
Johnny's newest CD is called Under Your Spell. That's not suspicious or anything....
Adriane acts like a ho the entire time. Kara's pretty bad, but Adriane is so freaking mean.
Ozzie keeps talking in italics!!!
Adriane: We can hid everything behind the computer screen. Since only our jewels can open it, everything should be safe there. Oh. I forgot. You don't have a jewel.
Yay, steal the unicorn horn. Smart. Not.
:O Adriane makes "Welcome Johnny" banners and stuff and Kara takes the credit. Boooo...
Emily does like Johnny? Why is she then impervious to his charms?
Spellsing as one
And see your work done
Spellsing as three
And whatever you picture will be
Isn't that obvious? What else could that mean? Mages = confused.
Johnny keeps popping up in the library. The SECRET library. Where THE SECRET COMPUTER IS. Why is this OKAY??
Aaargh. He keeps talking about magic and being WAY OBVIOUS and Kara's just like, "Bam, he's hot, and all my BFFs are jealous."
Johnny thinks Kara has star power.
Mrs. Windor let the monkeys escape! Why did Emily and her mom have monkeys in the first place?
Kara: I stink! [at singing]
Lyra: I wouldn't say that.
Kara: Well, what would you say.
Lyra: You just need a litle help.
Kara: Exactly what I was thinking.
Lyra: A few lessons with a singing coach and maybe choir practice.
Kara: Oh-yeah.
Lyra: What were you thinking?
Oh, she was just justifying the fact that she STOLE THE UNICORN HORN, that's all.
Lyra thinks she's mad that Adriane is a stubborn witch.
A vocal coach and choir practice won't cure tone deafness, Kara.
I want to sing like a bird
The best in the world
Make my voice ring
I'm super stylin'
That's like a Hannah Montana song.
Kara now has a three-octave range.
And she can explode trees.
Adriane freaks out because Kara isn't concerned about the monkeys.
And she still wants to call Zach. Go buy a cellphone and get a service that has free long-distance.
Kara gets into Johnny's limo. Questionable....
Laame. He gives her a star power pep talk. LIES LIES LIES.
And he gives her a locket. Laaaame.
Kara throws Lyra out of the house after she "attacks" her. IT WASN'T LYRA!!! But Kara's too stupid to fiure that out.
Okay, Rachel Roberts gets Kara's friends mixed up. Tiffany started out with brown hair, Heather with red hair, and Molly with blonde hair, but she keeps switching on us.
Heather is apparently a really good singer.
OH no, she sings "Supernatural High", sending Kara in a rage.
Kara's friends still suck.
Okay, the prophecy was all: One will follow her heart, one will see in the darkness, and one will change utterly and completely. Guess which one's Kara's?
Emily gives her a pep talk and they talk about flobbins. Not really funny.
:O Adriane's outfit!!
She was startled to see Adriane standing before her wearing a black leather jacket and skirt, a black tube top, and black leather boots. Her hair, glistening with subtle red highlights, looked amazing.
Sounds like Aeon Flux. Or Amber??
Adriane apologizes...and then insults Kara's singing voice. Nice.
Of course she covers a rock and roll song. Saw it coming.
Kara blacks out and can't remember her performance. WHY AREN'T YOU FREAKED OUT??
"You went out there and you didn't stink. That's great." Shut up, Adriane.
Adriane calls Kara a slut. How nice.
They both decide to bow out of the contest.
Emily: Lightness of Being Spell. Makes you lighter than air.
Adriane: Can't wait to try that one out on Rapunzel.
Emily: *glare of death*
Adriane: You're right. She'd just put designer cement in her boots.
You know, Adriane was the one who hated Kara so much from the start. Isn't their bad relationship sort of HER FAULT??
Foreshadowing about the Dark Sorceress' next plan.
Oh no, Kara has a fairy map and the Skultum wants it.
Aaagh. Adriane cries when talking to Zachy-poo.
Pwned. The Skultum attacks Adriane.
Adriane has always been jealous of me. This is a bad thought to have, but it might actually be true.
"It would explain why Adriane had been acting like such a little witch lately." ROFL.
"She said...she should be the Blazing Star." AAARGH! Of course he's lying! And how does he know what a blazing star is??? COME ON, KARA, USE YOUR BRAIN!!
Oh no, Skultum dresses up as Adriane and pretends to be narcissistic. "#1 with a bullet, hot hot hottie, the new music sensation, oops, I win again!"
She's wearing shiny silver pants and a crop top. Would Adriane really wear that? Her hair sounds nice, though:
Her hair was layered in streaks of red, gold, and pink.
Kara smashes a chocolate cake in Adriane's face. Then Adriane stains her jacket. RAWR! Cat fight!!
She throws Adriane against a wall.
Fake Adriane changes back into Skultum in front of Kara, and she's just like, "Hmm, Adriane is also a dragon!!"
And Johnny appears as soon as Adriane leaves!!
In a world that spins so fast
Can't keep your feet on the floor
Where the future has no past
Open the door, open the door, open the door...
Okay, not only is that a stupid song, it's so obviously a spell.
The locket forces Kara to sing...and she never thinks of taking it off. Idiot.
Ha. She changes the lyrics to say, "Close the door, close the door."
Oh no, it's like battle of the bands. MAGIC STYLE!
Adriane gets out her guitar and sings with Kara. They should so create a band. Only Kara shouldn't be lead singer. Maybe keyboard?
Lol. They have a magic battle. Johnny sends a magic phoenix at them, and they kill it with a magic unicorn. OWNED!
Once Emily plays her flute and starts singing, they WIN!
Lame. Be*Tween's song mentions Avalon, and the girls aren't suspicious of that EITHER.
Aww, Kara lets Heather sing instead of Johnny.
Adriane says "rock-and-roll" way too much.
They give Kara a braclet even after she almost screwed them over.
Noyce. They get an e-mail from Be*Tween and Henry Gardener. "The magic is with you, now and forever."
Okay, sorry I haven't posted in so long, but I got kind of tired of posting for a while. Unicorns tomorrow, then Madison Finn, and maybe Pony Pals...not sure what else.
If you keep insulting Adriane like that, I swear, I will find out where you live, and come and put black gothic makup on your face while you sleep. If this is what you do in your spare time, get a new hobby. If you don't like AvALon, read something else. Hearing what you say, you could also use anger managment classes.
Seriously don't you have anything else to do other than slamming good books!? This isn't a review this is total bullshit! If you didn't like it shut your asshole and read another book! And I agree with Adriane...
Right on Lindsay! You have no life, because if this is what you do, you REALLY need to get a life.
Go read some picture books, you 3-year-old.
Really, a great job on the book review. Although I would suggest cutting the crude language a bit. And this is a children's book, so what do you expect from it? A complicated plot and jokes to suit an R rated book? Try to be a little less harsh next time, because it seems that dedicated fans are going to attack you if you don't.
man this is fucken stupied! u r the Worstt!! this is bullshit! and ur probly jeluss of adriane!! ue most likely the fucken ho and slut!
what the fuck are u fucken ass fucken on! u need fuckwn help! god what r u 2 or 3 yrs old!?! man go get fucken help cause u need it! and when ur ALOT older NO ONe wants to fucken suduice u! go 2 fucken get help!!!!!!!!!!!
man u must b so fucken jeluss of adriane!!!!!
This is great. It's been ages since I read those books, but this brought back some really happy memories. Anyone who posted an insulting comment just has no sense of humor, and it's perfectly okay to slam books you don't like. Freedom of Speech, anyone? Oh, and some people (Adriane, Lisday, life_is_stupid) ought to go read the fanfic My Immortal. Something about you reminded me of the authors notes there.
so, i see your a blazing star
ditto 2 the not insulting adrian part, but i wouldnt want 2 break in, i would got to my healing star bff & think of a dumb funny fun plan.lol. but u did insult kara so i give u credit ps:i blazing warrior woo!
tired me: hehehe i dream of smaking people
cat me: ohh *** im weird
adriane: & we all know it
kara: who put the dynomite in my hair!
crazy izzy: hehehe
& that is in my head thank u thank u
sad me: people talk 2 me waa
adriane: i still dont know why
cat me: oh come on & shut up deppressed
kara: wow your minde is dark
Stop insulting Adriane! For some of them your just wrong! The info is mostly wrong! You know what. Your just sad. Get off the internet and get a life. Keep this up and some fanatics will get you.
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