Plot: Life is crazy, as usual. Egg has a day of skating and icecapades planned, but Madison doesn't want to go; she can't skate!
Thankfully, a huge blizzard hits Far Hills and there's no school that day.
Instead of a day of relaxation, though, Fran forces Madison to clean out the attic while she does nothing. Madison finds some stuff from third or fourth grade when she was still friends with Ivy. Among that stuff is a letter she and Ivy wrote that they had saved for seventh grade. She contemplates giving it to Ivy so they can open it together.
Back to school. Madison has to go skating. Her friends try to help her, but she pretty much sucks, and Hart is being ubernice to Ivy??? Whaaat?
During a game of Truth or Dare at Fiona's house, Madison picks Truth and Ivy forces her to tell everyone who she likes. Madison doesn't want to say the real answer, and tells everyone she likes Egg. Grooooss. The Truth or Dare game wasn't exactly detrimental to the plot, but Egg kisses Fiona on the knee and Hart reveals that he saw his neighbor Susie naked. Whoa...too much information.
Madison, still seething at Ivy's trick, opens the letter and cries for like three days.
The next day in science class, Hart passes her a note asking what her e-mail address is. Ivy tattles on Madison and Mr. Danehy holds them both after class. Ivy REALLY wants to see the note, so she grabs it out of Madison's backpack...only it's not the note; it's the 4th grade letter. Ivy takes the letter and ends up crying in the bathroom. And that's it. ? What kind of ending was that? Oh well.
More notes:
"The worst part was the dreaded gym uniform. Its ugly blue polyester gym shorts made Madison's legs itch, and a too tight, white T-shirt with a blue Far Hills Junior High Logo was not exactly the most flattering fashion statement. And wearing the shirt meant wearing a bra, even though Madison didn't have much to fill out."
A TIGHT WHITE T-shirt isn't a flattering fashion statement, Madison? The boys disagree. Btw, she's in 7th grade: aren't most people wearing bras by that time?
Lol, they talk about changing in the locker rooms and awkwardness. Whatever.
Oh no, there was a uniform change and the new shorts are baggy...but Madison forgot to give her mom the permission slip!!
I love running. Fiona passes out. And she's supposed to be athletic. It's because she's sick, though. Lol, and she's all, "I feel hot, Coach." Oh my....
Madison and Ivy race...and tie.
I still can't get over the name "Nurse Shim".
In this book, the lake is called Lake Wannalotta. Forever after, it's called Lake Dora. Is there more than one?
Way to be super obvious about Hart, Maddie.
Oh dear, Maddie can't skate!
Aimee starts complaining about ballet class. What? I thought our little anorexic was a ballet freak!
More reasons why I hate Fran: Jeff is in Denver, but can't come home to take Madison out to dinner because he has to work. Fran freaks out at him, so Madison starts defending him, and Fran's like, "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" What is YOUR problem? He has a job.
There's a snowstorm headed for Far Hills! Lucky.
She gets to miss school, but her mom is a morning person.
You get a day off from school and you're making your daughter clean out the attic, Fran? You suck.
Fran plays flute, too. I'll bet she sucks, just like her daughter.
WHOA, Madison's grandpa was not named Joe!!!
I love Dan Ginsburg. Sort of.
If you really don't want to go skating, DON'T GO! But no, Maddie decides to go because Egg told her to. Peer pressure much?
"Madison realized she had been out of school for a day and a half and she hadn't done any homework yet."
Ha ha. Same here.
Aww, Bigwheels' dad moved out. This really depressed me.
I hate spacey people. Aimee invites Madison over to play in the snow, it takes Madison half an hour to put on her stuff (and she considers that "fast), and when she gets there, Aimee berates her for "being late...even though she's not dressed. Lame.
Jeff and Stephanie are sleeping together? How scandalous.
Fran always yells at Jeff for being late, and yet being late is a habit of hers, too. Hypocrite.
I think it's really stupid why Ivy and Madison stopped being friends.
Ha. I remember back in the day when I thought seventh grade would be the best year of my life. It wasn't bad, actually. Besides raging hormones and lame teachers.
It turns out Ivy is really insecure. That's really sad.
Fiona thinks Hart is cute!!! I'm surprised Madison hasn't strangled her yet.
Power outage. Hate those.
Mmm, tofu lasagna!
"She held up one of Madison's newest sweaters, a Christmas present from Mom. It was orange angora, fuzzy all over like a tabby cat."
Sounds...nice. In the earlier books, they make a huge deal about Madison's favorite color being orange.
Omg, this is so sad. Madison thinks that if she shows Ivy the letter, they'll become friends again. *tear*
Madison: And then there's this boy...
Fran: Boy? You mean Egg?
AARGH! All moms do this! Whenever I'm like, "There's this boy..." they always jump to conclusions about your best guy friend!
Green gloves, an orange sweater, and an orange parka. Plus a rainbow cap. Hm. That matches.
Dan is so stalkery, almost as much as Drew. Oh, and he makes a joke about Hart and Ivy going out. Laaame.
Susie is Hart's next-door-neighbor. She goes to a boarding school, likes ice skating professionally, and thinks Hart is "wicked nice". This girl sounds amazing.
Argh. I hate picking teams. ALWAYS. PICKED. LAST.
Aw, Egg picks her because he's her BGF. Lol, if I were captain, I would probably not pick my friends first. Sorry, guys.
Ivy shoves Madison, causing her to fall on her butt, so Aimee and Susie skate into her and humiliate her. Noyce.
"But then the laughter began - Ivy and Hart laughing. They were lying on top of each other on the ice, laughing like little kids."
That is so dirty!! It makes Madison cry. And Drew-Creepy-Pants is all taking pictures of them. Sooo nasty.
Ivy gets nailed with a snowball.
Omg, Ivy is such a freak. Rose is laughing and she's like, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE, ROSIE!"
Phinnie ran away! He's never coming back.
What? Roseanne Snyder, Ivy's BFF, offers to help Maddie look for him? Carazy.
HE WAS IN THE HOUSE!! I bet he was hiding under the bed the whole time. Like in "Because of Winn-Dixie".
Hm, the Hot Chocolate party at Fiona's house sounds pretty fantabulous. Not. "We'll be doing something fun like playing videos or games." How do you play videos? And why can't you play video games?
Maddie calls Chet a Chucklehead. Hee.
Wow, the Waters' are totally into this hot chocolate party.
Ivy and Hart arrive together? Hart is such a loser.
Madison tries to go to the bathroom and Ivy takes a flying leap into it and is all, "I got here first!" You might want to use another toilet, Madison. Ivy's busy puking in that one.
Dan? Full? Is that even possible?
I hate Truth or Dare. I hate Spin the Bottle. But they decide to play "Truth or Dare Spin the Bottle". Whoaaaaaaa, carazy.
Oh no, not a kissing game! At least it's not 7 Minutes in Heaven, which slutty junior high kids are usually playing these days.
Drew thinks up way lame questions for "Truth".
Drew: What's the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to you?
Susie: *smiling*
Hart: I know that one, Susie. Don't lie!
Susie: Hart, be quiet! Let me see.... Well, I guess you're right, Hart. That was the most embarassing thing ever. Well, this summer...Hart saw me naked.
The other kids make fun of Dan for being "fat", but he does it to himself. Does that make it okay to call him "Pork-O"?
Madison calls Ivy out for lying on a TRUTH!! Go Maddie! Way to have a spine!
Don't pick truth, Maddie, don't pick Truth. Because if you pick Truth, someone's ALWAYS going to ask you "who you like".
She says Egg. Yeah. Right.
Hart picks Truth and admits he likes someone in this room. Madison thinks he likes her. Wishful thinking.
Egg has to kiss Fiona. So he kisses her on the knee. Ooh, hot.
All the boys leave, so it's no fun!
Susie: Let me know what happens with Hart.
Madison: Huh? What are you talking about?
Susie: He totally likes you. Does anyone know you like him?
Omg, flashback to last year. One of my friends said the guy I like liked me, too, but he was wrong!!!!
Madison opens the envelope!!! Without Ivy!!! So much for becoming friends again.
Their list of "things to do in 7th grade" is so lame. They both want to become famous actresses.
PEMDAS does not stand for "Please Eat My Delicious Apples Soon"!!
Ivy asks Madison for her notes. Forget her.
Egg is a suck up.
Madison joins band!!! Yay! Band geeks rule!!
Ooh, Hart gives Maddie a note...and Ivy wants it, so she throws a temper tantrum during science.
Ivy blames Madison and Hart...but insists Hart doesn't get in trouble. Way to be obviouser than Madison.
Ha. Mr. Danehy is like, "The note has your name on it, Ms. Daly."
Because it's the letter.
Ivy grabs it and runs away.
What is ur e-mail?
That's it??? That's IT?? That's what the note said? That's what we've all been waiting for?
Ivy was crying!! This is making me really sad!
Omg, it's snowing in Washington! Well, in this book it is. Maybe some of that luck will rub off on the real life WA.
BIFF? Best Internet Friends Forever? No. Doesn't work.
Madison's Computer Tip:
Don't write online messages that contain too much private information.
Lest you be molested and killed by stalkers on Myspace.
Unicorns of Balinor tomorrow, with the lovely Miss Atalanta on the front. Fun.
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