Plot: Fran and Jeff are fighting again. Jeff had promised to take Madison on a ski vacation, but he bailed on her at the last minute. Madison is disappointed, but hates it when her Mom disses her Dad in front of her.
Besides Madison's mom being a b**** and her dad a flake, Madison's BFFs start ignoring her, acting distant, and excluding her. Weirder than that, Ivy is being NICE!!! It's very odd.
So far, Madison is having a sucky Christmas, so she decides to volunteer at the local nursing home, where she meets Eleanor Romano, a nice old lady who is slightly obsessed with birds. Mrs. Romano hates the holidays, too, because her deadbeat kids won't visit. She and Madison bond.
So do Madison and Ivy. :O
There's a few sort of saddish parts where Mrs. Romano's Alzheimer's acts up and she forgets Madison's name, Aimee and Fiona basically just suck, and Madison listens to her parents fight over the phone. The last part sort of made me mad, because her parents act like their disagreement is her fault. Way to be crappy parents.
Finally, things start getting better. Fiona and Aimee were being distant because they were making Maddie a CHRISTMAS PRESENT!! How lame is that??? No present is worth three weeks of hell. Her parents make up and go to the Winter Jubilee concert together, and her dad takes her skiing anyway. Mrs. Romano makes Madison a hat, and Madison makes Mrs. Romano a snowman (long story), which makes her nursing home charge cry (in a good way).
Okay, lamest part in the whole book: Madison figures out that Ivy is just a fake. Whatever. Ivy was being genuinely nice the entire book, but once Fiona and Aimee come around, Madison's like, "See ya, Ivy." And you said SHE was fake??
More notes:
I just realized: how did it go from summer (book #9) to winter (book #10) and they're still in 7th grade??
The whole first two pages are an IM chat between all three friends, and Maddie and Aimee make fun of Fiona about Egg. Like always.
Jeff Finn hasn't e-mailed Maddie about details for the ski trip, so Maddie lies to her mom and says it's all taken care of. Honey, that'll come back to bite you in the butt.
I HATE FRAN FINN! "I guess it was unfair of me to assume your Dad would just propose these big plans and...well, I won't say it." That's so mean!! Why would you say that to your daughter?
And Madison has to apologize for getting mad at that comment.
Whoa, Madison lives on Blueberry Street, not Blueberry Road. Get it straight, Laura Dower.
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is a song? I thought that was just a poem. Try my favorite poem ever. Besides "Silver" and that one about summer.
Aaargh. Get a grip, Madison. You can volunteer without your loser friends!
Lol. Hart signs up. She gets a grip pretty quick.
Ew. Fiona is way annoying in this book.
Fiona: Maddie, do you...do you think Egg likes me?
Madison: Yes, Fiona. How many times are you going to ask me that? And Aimee thinks so too.
Fiona: *giggle* Sorry.
Madison: Are you blushing?
Fiona: Should I ask him out?
Madison: Absolutely not. Wait for him to ask you.
Fiona: But that's so twentieth-century.
I agree with Fiona on that.
Okay, Maddie's dad sucks, too. "Oh, we can't go skiing anymore. And Stephanie will be coming with us. But that's cool, right?"
Madison wants to tell her mom about her bad day, but her mom is like, "I'VE HAD THE WORST DAY EVER!" Aargh, I feel like crap when that happens. Don't you hate that, though? I wouldn't want to do that to someone ever.
Ivy has a soul????
At the nursing home, Egg gets paired with a guy who has PTSD.
There are two women left: one with an orange hat, and one who looks mean and has a lame dress. Guess which one Madison gets paired with?
Hint: It's not the one with the orange hat. That chick gets paired with Ivy.
Mrs. Romano: I'm obsessed with birds.
Madison: That's nice.
Mrs. Romano: You're just saying that. Don't even try to lie.
Madison: I'm not just saying that. *is so just saying that*
ROFL. Ivy gets paired with someone named Mrs. Holly Wood.
Madison's friends ditch her. I would cry, too.
Bigwheels writes a lot of emo poetry. Her parents have been fighting, too. :(
Ivy's friends are lame, too. She and Madison should make a club: The Lame Friend Club.
Oh, and it turns out Fiona and Aimee ditched Maddie TOGETHER. Oh. Before I felt like crap, now I feel like mega crap! Thanks, guys!
"Madison guessed that Ivy was probably making eyes at Hart through the barrier." HA.
Lame. "Oh, sorry, Maddie, but Aimee's coming over. Sorry we can't hang out!"
Ivy seems way protective of her adopted grandparent.
OMG!! Madison finally stands up for herself!
Ivy: What a freak.
Madison: Sometimes you can be so...so...
Ivy: What? So...what?
Madison: RUDE! I can't believe you're even volunteering. Why do you bother?
"Madison liked the word beau instead of boyfriend. She wondered what if would sound like to say that Hart was her beau."
Sorry, Maddie, but I like boyfriend 10 times better.
Okay, Mrs. Romano tells sort of a lame story about how she and her best friend would meet up every year and make a snowman together. Then her friend gets sick and sends her a snowman snowglobe instead. Then her friend dies. The moral is always tell your friends what's on your mind. Hm... I have something to say to Fiona and Aimee.
"You guys suck. Merry Christmas!"
Joanie: Why did you volunteer for The Estates anyhow? A bunch of old people? What a party!
Rose: The real reason you're doing it, Ivy, is because Hart's doing it, too. Right?
Ivy: Why don't you just zip it?
Joanie: He's such a hottie, though. I don't blame you.
Sadly, this is how junior high girls ACTUALLY TALK!
Um, Drew, wth??
"Uh...is Somkey all covered with snow?" If you're trying to impress Maddie, IT'S NOT WORKING.
Aimee flips out when Madison and Fiona say that Ivy is okay without her drones.
Aw, Madison's grandpa had Alzheimer's, too.
Dan Ginsburg plays flute?? That strikes me as kind of odd.... I picture him as more of a low brass man. I know, stereotypes!
Madison, Fiona, and Aimee discuss what they're getting their parents for Christmas. Madison tells them she's considering a snowglobe, because of Mrs. Romano, and they make fun of her!! Wth? Aimee is literally like, "Maddie, that's a horrible idea. You could do so much better." You're getting your parents a YOGA MEMBERSHIP, Aimee.
Then they go over to Fiona's together...AGAIN...WITHOUT MADDIE. And they're so obvious about it. "Oh, I um...left my BOOK at Fiona's. You can come if you want, I guess, but we can't really hang out...."
Fran keeps badmouthing Jeff, so Madison finally sticks up for him.
Madison asks her to go to the concert with her dad, and her mom's like, "Don't play games with me, young lady."
"I dunno what is going on with that guy Hart either. Sometimes I get the vibe that he likes me, and then he talks to smoe other girls."
Because if he talks to any other girl, that means he hates you.
She sees Aim and Fi (I'm only calling them that because I can't stand typing their names) in a chat room, and they're talking about her.
Aargh, this is going to be so lame, because they're just making a gift or something for her, so their mean behavior is justified.
Madison listens to her parents fight via phone, and Fran starts insulting Stephanie!! What is your problem????
Finally, Madison, who's on the extension, screams, "STOP IT!" Then she yells at both of them.
AARGH. She has to apologize to her mom AGAIN. And her mom's like, "You can talk to me, rather than letting things get to the boiling point." Um, SHE DID.
LAME. Her grandma has a recipe for gingersnaps that she calls "Fred'n'Ginger snaps". Did anyone else get that? Not laughing.
Random. Madison is talking to Fiona on the phone and Fiona's all, "Maddie, what's your favorite color? Orange? And your lucky number is 13, right?" And Madison doesn't suspect ANYTHING.
"Drew was nice. He said he'd make a goal for me, whatever that means."
Aww, Drew, you little stalker pants.
Aw, I know how you feel, Maddie. I wish it snowed every Christmas, too. It snowed THIS Christmas, though!! And today!
Okay, all Maddie wants her mom to do is go to the concert, and her mom keeps leaving her hanging! "You have to be patient, I haven't decided." Cuz you're a self-centered ho.
Hart looks cute even when he's sick and coughing phlegm into a tissue. Awwwww....
The principal gives recognition to the volunteers, and Madison's like, "Oh no, center of attention! Must hide!" Whatever. I love the spotlight.
OMG, Bigwheels is Jewish! That's so cool!
Aaargh. Lame poems and chain letters.
Fiona has a solo in "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", and she has to wear antlers and a clown nose. Hawt.
Madison: That went surprisingly well. Your solo was awesome, Fiona.
Aimee: Omg, TOTALLY. I couldn't stop listening.
Duh, what else are you supposed to do?
Chet: You look hot, Aimee.
"Fiona punched his shoulder for saying that, but Aimee thanked him. She wouldn't turn down a compliment from anyone, not even an annoying boy."
He might be annoying, but he's a boy, and he called her hot.
Aww, Hart comforts Maddie about the ski trip dilemma. Ew, bad grammar. Oh well.
LOL, Drew, I love you.
Drew: Actually, my family is going skiing, too. To Switzerland. My parents have a reservation to some spa there. Anyone else want to come to Switzerland? *hint hint* Maddie? *hint hint*
He reminds me of Ryan Evans from HSM.
Madison wants to marry Hart. .....
Ivy tells her friends to shut up and is all nice to Maddie.
Maddie thinks up some crappy captions for the school website.
Lame, Aimee and Fiona made Maddie a collage box. NOT WORTH IT!
Aw, Madison makes Mrs. Romano a snowman.
Her mom ruins the moment and is all, "Well, I guess I'll go to the concert with your dad after all." I HATE HER.
And her dad comes around. Three day ski trip, woo!
Madison's Computer Tip:
Remember that chat rooms are not really private or anonymous.
Yeah. Pony Pals coming up. AARGH, I hate my library. I KNOW they have these books. WHY DO THEY LIE?
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