Plot: The Far Hills Junior High seventh grade class is going on a three-day trip to Jasper Woods, where they will face their fears and stay in cabins and whatnot. Madison is beyond excited. Sure, there will be no bath towels, hot showers, snacking, TV, internet access, reading material, but... Hang on. This trip doesn't sound fun anymore.
It's too late to back out now. The day arrives and Madison heads on the bus with her best friends.
There's trouble right off the bat. Madison and her friends are forced to share a cabin with POISON IVY!!
Also, Fiona seems super jealous of Madison and Egg's tight relationship. Even though Madison insists they are just friends, Fiona seems to believe otherwise.
Jasper Woods is throwing out its own challenges as well: a Talent Show, a haunted cabin, and something called THE TOWER that has Madison scareder than scared.
Here's how things work out:
The talent show goes well. Madison, Aimee, Lindsay, and Fiona sing a song about frienship. They don't win any prizes, but that's okay because most of them are tone deaf anyway.
Fiona forgives Madison for stealing Egg (um, whatever), and "allows" her to remain friends with her main squeeze. Whore.
Madison hears ghosts and leads Hart, Dan, Egg, and Fiona on a ghost hunt, proving to a terrified Ivy that she's NOT chicken.
Madison climbs THE TOWER, and though no one cares, she is proud to have conquered her fear of heights.
All in all, an okay trip.
More notes:
Madison is sitting in math class, watching the clock, and it starts moving BACKWARDS. I swear, that happens to me all the time.
Egg gets pwned. And has to do the problem on the board.
Ivy: I have to bring my new camera to Jasper Woods. And my hair dyer, of course.
Joan: And don't forget the curling iron, too, right? YOu wanna look good for you-know-who.
Oh, I know who, you backstabbing little skank.
Fiona: I am so stressed! Egg just ignored me. He raced by and wouldn't even stop when I called after him. He won't talk to me!
Been there, done that.
"Madison bit her lip. Hart was wearing a rugby shirt with blue and gold stripes and khaki pants. She noticed how his brown hair was getting long on top. It whooshed over his forehead. She wished she could touch it - just once."
That's the closest Madison comes to a dirty thought.
To temporarily replace Madison's laptop (which won't be allowed on the class trip), Frannie buys Madison an orange notebook.
Whenever my grandma buys me those, they're red. Not complaining, but blue would be nice.
Aargh, Bigwheels' boyfriend is a jerk, too. He just randomly stopped talking to her. I guess it's catching.
So to cheer her up, her dad bought her a kitten named Sparkles!
It turns out there's a talent show...and Madison's the ONLY ONE who didn't bring something nice to wear for it.
Ugh, that sucks.
Heh, Madison elbows Ivy in the face...or tries to. She ends up hitting Hart.
Lame. She and Hart discuss THE WEATHER.
Jealous. Lindsay has a Hello Kitty backpack.
And she bought a DRESS for the talent show. A DRESS? It's a junior high talent show! It's not THAT big a deal, Lindsay!
ROFL, they play Mash!! Madison lists Egg under the Guy column and Fiona FLIPS OUT. Jealous much?
She ends up marrying Egg, becoming a pop diva, and living in a jungle shack with her 99 kids.
Aimee tells Madison about a "haunted" cabin.
I vaguely remember a friend of mine telling me about the bear cabin....
Counselor: Lunches are by the main lodge, girls.
Ivy: That was James. And - whoa - he is a total hottie.
Joan: Would you go out with him?
Ivy: He's not really my type.
Yeah. Because I'm sure counselors like him are so interested in dating jailbait.
Dan: Do we have to wear costumes? I saw that some people have them, but I didn't bring anything.
Madison: Don't worry so much.
Uh oh. Egg and Madison have a leaf fight. It must mean they're fooling around behind your back, Fiona.
They pick a song for the talent show called "That's What Friends Are For". I swear that's a Michael W. Smith song.
Egg: Do you wanna be part of our routine? [for the talent show]
Madison: Me? Why me?
Egg: Because you're my best friend who's a girl.
Madison: Maybe you should ask someone else. Like Fiona.
After she says no, Egg asks IVY instead. Lame.
Haaa. Lindsay listens to the weather channel on her portable radio. Point and laugh!
Rather than forgo her vegetarian diet, Aimee snubs the hot dogs and eats a plate of tomatoes for dinner. Mmmmm....
Camp songs!! Honk, honk, rattle, rattle, toot, toot, beep, beep!
Madison doesn't know any camp songs. She's never been to camp.
Madison is tempted to reveal her crush so her friends might make fun of her in a joking way.
Ha. No one will go to the bathroom with Ivy. Not even her best friends.
Apparently the gym teacher is into New Age and meditation. What happened to the jock stereotype?
Uh oh. Chet and Fiona get in a mudfight...and Madison laughs. Fiona is REALLY PMS-y in this book.
"Egg wasn't laughing, was he?" "Egg? Never saw a laugh."
That superstitious Madison. She thinks the tower is A BAD OMEN.
Dan loves camp.
I love Dan.
Aimee thinks they should've sung "We Are the Champions" by Queen rather than the Michael W. Smith reject song.
I reckon you're right, Aimee.
Madison gets mud on her pants. It's semi-funny.
"Could she really be expected to take bigger risks at camp when she couldn't even keep her pants clean?"
They go on a lamesauce scavenger hunt.
Oh no, there's 13 items they need to find! That's unlucky. Aargh, Maddie's superstitions are rubbing off on me.
They combine with the boys in order to win.
They need something smelly.
"Hart could just lay a big one in there. Hart fart!"
A tidbit for later: Hart has a pet parrot?
Ew, macaroni and cheese with ketchup. That's disgusting.
Egg: Fiona. What's her deal?
Madison: What do you mean? I thought you guys were a couple.
Egg: What does that mean?
Madison: A couple...going out...boyfriend and-
Egg: Ack! Don't say it. She acts like we should be attached at the hip. It weirds me out. I mean, I like her and all that, but...
Madison: *why is he telling me this in the middle of dinner at camp?*
Fiona: *sniff* You two seem to be having fun.
Egg: Just hanging.
Madison: Yeah, Egg's a fungi. [inside joke]
Fiona: I thought you were my friend. *runs away crying*
Fiona wants to ditch them all because she's "depressed".
The four of them wear T-shirts that say "Friends" "Are" "Forever" "!!!!!!"
The talent show: Egg's group is called the Dudes. They rap with hockey sticks. Ivy walks around and poses. Wth? How is that talent?
No way, this IS a Michael W. Smith song, I know it!
Ivy's group sings "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" while playing beach volleyball.
To make Madison mad, I guess, Fiona starts talking to Ivy. Wth?
LOL! The teachers perform "I Heard It Through the Grapevine". Mr. Danehy does a tap dance!!!!
Haha. Ivy can't find the cabin's light switch.
Oooh, now they're telling scary stories!!
Aagh, Fiona's going to tell a really "scary" (read: stupid) one. Since when does she tell scary stories? The one about Mrs. Martin really freaked her out.
"Once upon a time, a little boy was digging in the backyard and he found a toe. Anyway, the boy went to bed. As he was curling up under the blankets, he heard this slow, slow breathing noise. 'Where's my t-o-o-o-o-o-oh?' the voice said."
Basically, this goes on for 10 minutes until Fiona grabs Ivy and says, "YOU'VE GOT IT!"
Ivy freaks out. Noyce.
Uh oh. The boys sneak into the girls' cabin. Wth? Where are the counselors? This should so not be happening.
"Hey, Hart. I was so scared. Thank goodness it's just you. *bats eyelashes*"
Yeah, that's hot, Ivy. XP
Madison sucks up to Fiona in order to become friends again.
They hear scratching noises. Madison goes to investigate, which impresses Hart QUITE a bit.
Ivy: YOu don't have to be such a show-off, Maddie. You look really dumb, you know.
Madison: I don't care.
Madison makes a Bible joke. Lol.
Egg: You really think our surprise was fun?
Fiona: You know how I feel, Egg.
Dan: Quit getting all sappy! You guys are so weird!
Fiona offers a LAME, LAME apology, which Madison, of course, accepts.
"Why so glum, chum? Hungry?"
Dan, I love you.
"HART! Hart, I was looking for you. We saved you a seat over here. Come on. Come on!"
I hate Ivy.
w00t, Obstacle course!
Ivy is such a lying wimp.
"I don't want to hurt myself. And I don't want to break one of my nails. That would be even worse."
God forbid THAT should happen.
Madison climbs THE TOWER...with an orange helmet on. GOOD OMEN.
And Hart is too busy cheering for Ivy. :(
Madison: You can go, Ivy. Go away. I'm the new queen of the wilderness.
Unfortunately, she doesn't actually say that to Ivy's face.
Fiona's back to her flaky, loser self!
"One day she'd admit her feelings to Hart's face. One day."
Madison's scavenger hunt team wins 2nd place. Not bad.
The Dudes win "Most Creative Use of Props".
So Ivy was just a prop?
I guess she is pretty fake.
The BFFs (Madison's Talent Show group) wins 3rd place in the All-Around category. Whatever that is.
Aimee: Grrrr...it was those minishorts.
Egg wins "Best Leader".
Fiona and Egg win "Best Athlete". It's not like Fiona did anything athletic the whole time they were there.
Madison and Dan win "Best Camp Spirit".
They carve their initials into the wall of their cabin. Yeah, vandalism!
Lindsay is too scared to play MASH. In case, you know, it comes TRUE.
Because, you know, you MIGHT JUST marry Brad Pitt and have 99 kids!
"It's not a big deal in the world or anything, but... I don't know. It is a big deal to me. I won something."
Like Monk!
As soon as she gets home, Madison goes on her laptop. Lol, same here.
Ewwww, Reggie apologize to Bigwheels and they're back together.
Awww, Drew sends Madison a picture of her at the top of THE TOWER. It boosts her self-esteem. How nice.
Madison's Computer Tip:
I realize that being on the computer 24/7 isn't good for anyone.
Thanks, Madison.
Yay, I have Pony Pals!!! A super special, in fact. It's not that great, but it's something. Stay tuned.
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